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Common Replica Watch Problems and Potential Solutions for Them

I’m sure that one of the first questions you think about when it comes to a replica watch is “How often does it break?”. Let me tell you that not only replica watches break. This phenomenon is also very specific to original watches, regardless of their brand or price. No one can guarantee that a watch will always work flawlessly. In the same context, I want you to know that if your watch ended up not working, it is not necessarily a technical failure. Sometimes, even the position in which the timepiece stays overnight can influence its ability to function.

In this article, I wanted to emphasize the fact that if a replica watch stops working, this does not necessarily mean that it is defective from the factory. Many readers ask me how promising replica watches are, from a quality perspective. I hasten to tell you that lately, replica watch factories have substantially improved their manufacturing techniques. Consequently, the knockoffs are much more resistant over time, and it is unlikely that you will seek a watchmaker for repair every month.

Having said that, let’s see what are the most common issues that can appear with replica watches and how you can solve them. At the same time, keep in mind that these problems are also typical for regular watches, i.e. authentic ones. In this context, the recommendations you will get to know here are also applicable to any type of watch.

Know how to open the watch case!

First of all, when it comes to potential “intervention” in the functioning of your replica watch, it will probably be necessary to know how to open its case. It is not a complicated process, but anyway, you need to have some basic knowledge.

You will encounter about 4 basic types of cases in the replica watch industry. There are actually more, but all except for these 4 types are pretty rarely found. So, it’s about the screw-back case, snap-back, swatch-style case, and conventional case with screws.
Each type opens differently and you will need some tools for this. For example, if you have a snap-back watch, get a penknife to open it. Or if you have a screw-back type imitation, you will most likely need a screw-back removal tool that is very similar to a pair of pincers. In the same context, to remove the back of a screwed case, you will need a small screwdriver. And if it’s a knockoff with a swatch-style case, you can use the traditional method of opening it with a coin.

Issue No.1: My automatic replica watch has stopped ticking

This problem is probably the most frequently reported one among replica watches. In such situations, their functioning simply stops, no matter what you do to your watch.
In most cases, this “error” occurs somewhere after the first year of operation of the replica watch. Many users begin to blame the manufacturers, invoking the reason for the poor quality of the watches. But in fact, in most cases, this problem is nothing more than battery drain.

In general terms…

Replica watch batteries “live” on average between one and two years. Many users do not know this aspect, believing that if the watch is battery-based, it must work forever.
Battery life is longer if we talk about replica watches based on quartz movement. These are “a priori” built in such a way as to function for up to 3-4 years.

In this context…

The first step you must take is to change the battery of your replica watch. When replacing the batteries, make sure you use plastic tools, not metal ones. Metal can negatively influence the functionality of the watch, considering that it is an electrical conductor. At the same time, make sure you insert the new battery in the right position. If you are still not sure that you can do this process as a self-starter, contact a specialist in the field.

Issue No.2: the second hand of my replica watch is skipping

There are situations when after a certain period of time, the replica watch starts to skip the seconds dramatically. This greatly misleads the owner every time he intends to read the time.
As a rule, the owners of the replica watches again come to blame the manufacturers, claiming that they produce knockoffs that last no more than a year. But it’s not the imitation that has a problem. It’s the battery that can be to blame again, which is about to run out.

Respectively, the battery still provides some energy to the mechanism in your replica watch, but this is not enough to propel the second hand in the normal rhythm and beat. Sometimes, the situation is exactly the opposite. Due to battery malfunction, the seconds skip ahead significantly. As a result, there are errors in indicating the correct time. The solution is very intuitive: just change the battery, just like in Issue No.1.

When do you contact the specialist?

It is important to distinguish between seconds-hand skipping and seconds-hand blocking in a back-and-forth position. When they just skip, a simple battery change can be enough. In the other case, when the second hand seems to be stuck in place, with attempts to move back and forth, it is necessary to address your replica watch to a specialist. It is not excluded that in such cases, it is indeed a technical failure.

Issue No. 3: Too fast or too slow running

This issue is the one that confuses those who buy a replica watch for the first time most often. As a rule, people who do not have much contact with the replica industry, buy the watch, put it on their hand, and panic when they notice that the imitation operates a few seconds slower or faster than a wall clock (for example). In the end, they get frustrated thinking it’s a factory problem and immediately look for ways to turn the watch back and get a refund.

In fact, it is not a problem at all. It is as natural and normal as possible for a replica watch to run from a few seconds to a few tens of seconds faster or slower. This phenomenon is also valid for authentic watches, and it is specific for the most popular watch brands as well.

In this context, it is necessary to know that gaining or losing some time is within reason for any type of watch. However, when the seconds turn into minutes and tens of minutes, this already becomes a warning sign. If you notice that your replica watch delays or advances by 5 minutes or more, you have every right to ask for another imitation instead, or a refund.

Issue No.4: The knockoff works better when it’s off the wrist

It sounds strange, but yes, some imitations indicate a more accurate and precise time when they are off the wrist. People who face this type of error are downright frustrated, and rightfully so, because wearing the watch becomes impossible, literally.

In most cases, the problem is a consequence of the high temperature of the arm. Relatively high body temperature can impact the electrical circuit inside your replica watch. As a result, it shows the time incorrectly. It is unlikely that you will be able to “help” your watch by yourself. And there’s no need to wait for it to resolve itself because it won’t.

Once your imitation shows susceptibility to body temperature, the problem must be removed immediately and professionally. If you have a valid knockoff warranty, you could benefit from a free replacement. But if this has already expired, you need to look for a watch repair professional who could find viable technical solutions.

Issue No.5: replica watch buttons don’t work properly

When I say “buttons” I mean both the chronograph pushers and the crown of the replica watches. In many cases, these buttons become difficult to press over time. Or even if you press well, they don’t bounce as they should. Don’t be too quick to blame the replica watch manufacturers. Instead, try to remember when was the last time you cleaned your replica watch.

In most cases, the compromised function of the replica watch buttons is due to the accumulation of dirt inside the mechanism. Keep in mind that the internal mechanism of replica watches is lubricated with a specific oil. This is a good absorber of dust particles. Over time, they accumulate, severely affecting the buttons, and respectively the tasks they have to perform.
In this context, keep in mind that a replica watch must be serviced once a year, in order to prevent the unwanted accumulation of dirt.

Sometimes, people report this problem immediately after purchasing their replica watch. A possible cause may be that the replica watch has been kept for a long time in dirty conditions. Another reason could even refer to a factory defect. In both cases, it is absolutely necessary to request a refund or have your watch changed. A new replica must not have the pushers impacted in any way.

Issue No.6: Chronograph Battery Life Issues

To me, chronographs are probably the most fragile type of watches. And I’m not necessarily talking about imitations, but about genuine watches as well. When I say “fragile”, I am actually referring to the fact that their battery is extremely sensitive, compared to the batteries of ordinary timepieces. This means that if an ordinary battery watch “lives” for about 1-2 years, the battery of a chronograph can usually last up to 1 year. The same is specific for replica chronographs.

In order to extend the battery life of your chronograph imitation, it would be reasonable for you to stop its activity when its operation is not relevant to you. Thus, you save energy and extend the period of activity.

Another difficulty related to replica chronographs is their operation itself. First of all, a chronograph means “perfection in the correct indication of time” by definition. Unfortunately, a replica chronograph will never record time values with the same accuracy as a genuine chronograph. Respectively, when you identify some fluctuations in your replica chronograph, know that it is not necessarily a malfunction.

Also on the same subject…

Many watch lovers who buy a replica chronograph for the first time report that the sub-dials are “not working”. The problem is that when they bought the watch, they did not specify with the dealer whether the chronographs are functional or not. Only when they receive the imitation do they notice that they are actually “frozen”. In the replica industry, there are functional chronographs and non-functional chronographs.

Each buyer must make this aspect clear, and the dealer must specify this aspect to the buyer. If a replica chronograph comes with a movement that does NOT support a chronograph, the sub-dials will never work the way an authentic chronograph does. And it is not about an error, it’s rather about the mechanism that does not support the chronograph function inside the replica watch.

To avoid such misleading, discuss in detail all aspects of the chronograph you want to buy. Make sure you are paying for a fully functional watch. And remember that a fully functional replica chronograph cannot be cheap. For this reason, do not fall prey to dealers who offer you a flawless replica chronograph, for a symbolic price.

Issue No.7: why don’t all of my replica watches run exactly the same?

Many people are a bit confused when they notice that their replica watches run differently from each other. The first thing that comes to their mind is, of course, that the replica manufacturers have made bad-quality watches. The truth is that it’s absolutely normal for each watch to run at its own pace, even if they have the same type of mechanism inside.
Each replica watch comes with microscopic variations in its operating system that make it work differently from its counterpart. Also, it matters a lot how you take care of your replica watch, what degree of lubrication it has inside, or even individual wear patterns.

What is important to realize is that most of the problems encountered with replica watches are identical to those encountered with genuine watches. For this reason, do not rush to draw hasty conclusions. Better take some time to understand what exactly is not working in your replica watch, and be sure that, with few exceptions, you can find the right solutions for any type of error.

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