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PHC Driver-Fusing the past with future

PHC Driver- old fashion for present needs

When someone is thinking about a watch and starts to imagine it, the watch quite always looks the same. Round shaped with some classic features is a commune image of the style. This is quite something usual, as people are used to the same image and over again. This is why when it comes to different types of watches, there is always some kind of skepticism and distrust. Especially if you come across something that is not usual. When people are getting used to something and as comfort comes in, it is hard to switch to something new.

PHC driver watches were an idea of difference and revolution. These watches created something new on the market but at the same time something noteworthy. The design of the watch was the center of this bizarre watch, but there was a reason.


A watch for drivers

There is no such news that there are watches that were created for different purposes. The idea of creating a watch for drivers is not something new but the design for sure is. Although you may think that this model is something created in this century, we can assure you that is not. The original PCH watches were created in the 70s. The idea of the watch was not to bring something new in the design era but to create a watch that is going to be super comfy for the drivers. For sure this was a success.


The design that was implemented with such an honorable purpose was not that appreciated. But when a driver wears the watch and feels the accessibility on its skin, that is what makes the watch so valuable.


It is in a million design with an oblong form that was made special for the drivers to be comfortable to find the time as quickly as possible without moving the hand from the wheel. That’s why the design may seem weird for the functionality of the watch is pretty amazing. There is no other watch on the market that can be so easily accessible for the drivers.

If we talk about the hours and the minutes are reflected from a prism and a flat surface which creates that one angle for a better viewing.
The PCH watch is also called the jumping hour watch. People who tried this watch are assured that is pretty comfortable and easy to use. The most important part is that it is a good idea to go with such a model if you want and like something different.

70’s design back on track

The particularity of this watch is that the design was created long ago but till today it is always possible to benefit from the design. What makes it more suitable for this century is the preserved look of the watch that today looks to be just on time.


Rubber bands are made of a soft and comfortable material. The watch looks pretty cool on the wrist and at the same time offers comfort. It can be found in different colors. Depending on the style that you want to create.
The truth is that there are no that many combinations for this particular model. The idea of combining this watch with classic outfits is not a good idea. But it can always go with a good casual outfit.

The digital clock presentation of the hours and minutes it’s in orange and white combinations. The hours and the minutes are delimited between them to find them easier. The combination of orange and white makes it pretty clear and bright during the night. You don’t suppress your vision and you don’t have a lot of time to find the information.

The watches are pretty accessible in comparison with other models on the market. At the same time, this magic model can be a good one for collectors who are interested in adding something unusual to their collection. You can be pretty sure that not that many people know about PCH watches, which makes you even closer to enchanting other watch lovers.




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