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4 Main Criteria People Consider When Buying a Replica Watch

Did you know that people buy replica watches based on different criteria? Have you ever thought about what criteria you follow? Most probably, you don’t know the answer, or at least- the full answer. Let me tell you what aspects people consider while looking for a replica watch. And to tickle your nerves a little bit, I shall tell you that it is not only about a good physical look and reliable functionality. You will be surprised to discover what drives people to order a replica watch. Thus, I’m going to bring a little light on the matter. Therefore, you will be able to widen your horizons and add some new criteria for yourself. In this article, you will also find out what is the most important criterion, considering the risks associated with the replica industry.

The purpose of this article is to let you know how to do things right and how other people usually do them. Also, you will be able to evaluate yourself and understand whether you do all the right things while buying replica watches, or if there is anything you can improve. So, let’s go ahead, shall we?

Brand Echo

One of the main criteria influencing customers’ decisions is the brand echo and background. People love to associate with brands with powerful and history-changing backgrounds. In most cases, customers don’t really know much about the watch itself, rather than the brand. In the same context, many consumers look for replica watches simply because they are associated with an iconic brand, and not because the watch itself has something exclusive in its design or technical architecture.

Take, for example, the Omega brand. Its watches are indeed horological masterpieces that are worth all appreciation. However, some of their dive watches are pretty similar to, let’s say, Rolex dive watches. Then why do people select the Omega, if they have alternatives? Simply because they love to associate with a brand whose watch has reached the Universe with its Speedmaster Moonwatch.

Take, for instance, the Patek Philippe Calatrava replica collection. The line is specific through its minimalist beauty. But, why do people opt for a Calatrava replica if they could simply buy an authentic Nordgreen timepiece, which is also minimalist? The answer is obvious: Patek Philippe is part of the horological Holy Trinity, which is an unbeatable status, with all due respect to Nordgreen.

So, these two examples show how important the brand value is behind the desire of having a replica watch. This is one of the main criteria customers rely on when looking for a replica watch. But not the most important one.

Accurate manufacturing

Sounds logical, but let me explain in detail what I exactly mean. As it turned out, most customers accept minor deviations from the authentic design with the condition that the replica watch is manufactured accurately and professionally. To be even more specific, it’s not a problem for the customers if the font of the dial is not 100% identical to the genuine one. It is neither a problem if the replica is made of 316 steel, instead of 904l steel. Also, there is nothing wrong if the replica watch doesn’t feature a transparent case back like the genuine one, but comes with a steel one. All these are accepted whenever the manufacturing of the watch is performed professionally. This refers to an impeccable finish, compact and tight case, and a well-functioning crown (even though it doesn’t feature the brand logo on it like the genuine model).

So, what I’m trying to say here is that customers turned out to be highly flexible in terms of replica industry acceptance. If a couple of years ago people were looking for 100% identical copies disregarding the movement quality, currently, customers became aware that quality is more important Therefore, they rather buy a replica watch with minor design deviations but with a solid functional architecture, than seek 100% identical aspect, but receive a terrible movement inside.

At this moment I must mention that disappointment is more probable in the second scenario than in the first. Customers expecting impeccable resemblance of the replica with the genuine models have to know that there is no such term as “100% resemblance”. Might sound tough, but I promised to be honest. EVERY REPLICA WILL HAVE MINOR DEVIATIONS from the genuine model. So, if you were looking for perfection, it’s time to change your perspectives. It’s better to look for long-term quality in movement, crown, material, and chronographs than for ideal similarity. The faster you understand this, the better for you.

So, this is another criterion, but still, not the most important one.


Without any doubt, customers always consider their budgets when buying a replica watch. I think it’s not new information for you and you might also do so. It’s a natural thing when you buy no matter what. Statistically, most customers aren’t ready to give more than 600-800$ for a replica watch. Obviously, some customers spend 1,200$ for a fake, but these form the minority.

I have something to add at this point, given that this article is meant to be educational. The fact that a replica watch is $1,200 doesn’t guarantee you high quality. In most cases, 1,200 replica watches are the same as those of $800 in other stores. So, don’t fall into the trap of those dealers promising you uniqueness and exclusivity. Take your time to research and to make sure these replicas are indeed worth it.

I’m not trying to discredit dealers selling expensive replica watches. I’m only trying to make you more aware of the existing risks. Given that it’s pretty difficult to prove replica watches’ quality, some dealers take advantage of this shortcoming, deceiving naive customers. So, be maximally prudent. Pay that price only after you make sure about the good reputation of the dealer. Also, look for the same model with the same specifics in other stores. T’s not excluded you will find more moderate prices for the same item.

On the other hand…

Cheap prices might sound attractive to many of us. If the low price is a priority for you, please don’t trust those who say “we sell the best Swiss replica watches at the cheapest prices”. Such dealers usually say that their replica watches are made of 904l stainless steel, the best sapphire crystal, the best Swiss movement copies, etc… This is an inexistent scenario. It’s impossible for a 904l steel, sapphire crystal, and Swiss movement watch to be cheap. Just accept it and look for dealers who are honest with you and say clearly that the replica is most probably Chinese and has mineral glass instead of sapphire.

The point is to realize that if a replica watch is too good and too cheap to be true, just don’t buy it.

Thought that the price is the main criterion? No, it’s not. Wait for it.

Trusted sources

At this very point, I would like to make it clear that all the criteria mentioned here are not made-up by me. These are based on true feedback from people who love this hobby and ordered replica watches at least, once. In this context, I was pleased to see that one of the criteria on which people rely when buying replica watches is the trust in the source they play to buy from. In fact, this is the criterion with the most votes. Therefore, this is the most crucial one of all.

I’m happy to see that customers become more educated in the field and behave wiser and wiser with every new replica purchase. So, what does “trusted sources” actually mean?

This means that people find it the most important to order fake watches from recommended dealers and stores. If the store has a good reputation, the customer rests peacefully, knowing that the price is reasonable, the quality is high, the warranty is available, and the fake watch is shipped with no issues. In addition, customers know that trusted stores will always accept a refund, service, or change without any problems because they take full responsibility for their business.

It all makes sense. Ordering from a trusted dealer reduces, better said, excludes the risk of scams of which we all are afraid with online shopping. Also, a trusted dealer/store won’t artificially increase prices. In addition, it will always be real to assist whenever a delivery or another sort of issue appears.

What is a “trusted store/dealer/source”?

Let’s exemplify it. Let’s assume you come across a sponsored ad on your socials promoting replica watches. When you open the source, it shows spectacularly beautiful replica watches. You believe it and place an order. What do you receive? An awful replica watch that is barely functioning.

Let’s see another scenario. Let’s pretend you want a replica watch. You begin asking your friends, office mates, and whomever you know about a potential source. You might get some references, or you might not. Also, you look for sources on the internet and analyze their websites. You don’t limit yourself to website pictures and descriptions, but you also dig deeper and look for them on forums, social media platforms, and independent platforms for site reviews, and read reviews from other customers. In addition, you get familiar with the warranty and return policies, which is also an essential aspect. See the difference?!

All these steps and not only, help you reach a trusted source from which you are not afraid to order a replica watch. In such a context, you are exempt from possible fraud and scam systems. In addition, you are likely to get a truly good-looking replica to serve you long and reliably.


Here you have the 4 main criteria that most people follow when they intend to buy a replica watch. Like it or not, the last one is the most important and I think you already understand why. The challenge consists in finding trusted sources, as it can not be an easy task. Few trusted sources exist and it can take a while for the researcher to find one. But, if you do, you are a lucky customer as you know for sure that you are going to get a truly great replica watch.

In this context, let me leave you here one of those trusted sources as a bonus. It’s all about the AAAReplica store- a source that I warmly recommend.

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