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5 Best Handbag Brands Except for Gucci and Louis Vuitton

No matter how hard we try to avoid this, we have to admit that we feel phenomenal when we carry a brand bag on our shoulders. Whether it’s small or large, neutral or flamboyant, a designer bag is always a good way to increase self-confidence. Just imagine how comforting it is to enter your favorite restaurant with a Valentino bag.

You so obviously feel the surrounding people’s eyes on you, even if they do their best to avoid striking looks. On one hand, it might sound somewhat boastful. On the other hand, why shouldn’t we allow ourselves to show our delicate taste for luxurious accessories from time to time? More than that, why should we deprive ourselves of the satisfaction that a luxurious accessory provides?

The truth is that for most of us, authentic brand handbags are kind of expensive. Even considering that they are worth all the money, we don’t always have that money available. In this case, it is not a sin to consider replica options (the most qualitative, of course). A good imitation is always welcome because we can enjoy a comfortable price and high quality.

What’s the result we get? A designer handbag is like an access code to the world of fashion and style. More than that, a designer handbag generates long-lasting satisfaction like any other luxury accessory. And not because a bag would increase serotonin levels. But because those around us will notice it intermittently, reminding us of our refined taste.

So, even if the initial pleasure when buying the handbag decreases along the way, the attractiveness of a designer bag will always make those around us notice it.

Beyond that…

We cannot discourage the fact that the luxury industry is equivalent to reputation, wealth, and prestige. This is an axiom. If you’ve ever wondered if a designer handbag could make a difference in your life, the answer is Yes. And it’s not a materialistic answer. On the contrary, it is more “spiritual“if you wish. What do you mean? you will ask. Well, It is all about Confidence. When you feel and exude self-confidence, you can move mountains around you, metaphorically speaking, of course. Realistically, you indeed can change a lot around you. Accordingly, we all embrace whatever fulfills us with confidence, be it a handbag.

Of course, the subject of replica accessories is hotly debated. I personally think that everyone who opts for an imitation would be happy to have the authentic piece instead. But, as long as there is no financial possibility, everyone has the right to enjoy that representative LV logo, even if it is a replica version. The only thing that I categorically don’t support is low-quality imitations. In such a context, as long as a store or factory has a responsible attitude towards high-quality replica items, why worry?

With that said, and keeping the priority of superior quality, let’s discover the most fabulous brands whose replicas you can find in our store. Ah yes, the quality indeed is superior. Curious?

Michael Kors

This designer is extremely famous for the finesse and elegance with which he impregnates each handbag. It can easily be seen that the brand, led by the famous fashion artist Michel Kors, has a particular focus on details and specific features. Michael Kors’s bag collections can never be overlooked. No, they are not flamboyant and exclamatory. They are exquisite and expressive instead.

Just like the original models, almost all replicas are distinguished by the brand logo. Some are more discreet, others more obvious. Either way, each bag is accompanied by the designer “echo”.

Regardless of the style of the handbag, be sure that you will discover refined details that you will never see in other brands. At the same time, expect to find spectacular handbags that combine the classic with the modern.


You all know that the main function of a handbag is not only to keep stuff in it. Handbags are also “tools” that can either improve our stylistic appearance or dramatically worsen it. The Guess brand knows how to upgrade it like no other. Apart from creating extremely comfortable and practical bags, its greatest talent is to transform them into statement pieces. Any material, color, or buckle becomes a work of art in the Guess workshop.

With these handbags, it is not at all complicated to go to the office in the morning and reach a club in the evening, passing through a luxury restaurant for dinner. They adapt to all styles, without losing their luxurious and refined appearance.


This brand enjoys an international echo and extraordinary appreciation. These were rightly won for their superior quality and spectacular design. More than that, the brand has been lately focusing on the ready-to-wear and footwear lines. What can we say? There is a good chance that the brand will meet the impatient audience’s expectations, and even exceed them.

Returning to handbags, the brand creates them keeping in mind a strong spirit of French fashion. And as we know, French fashion rarely gives in to Italian fashion.

For its bags, the brand draws inspiration from literally everything. Autumn colors, geometric shapes, and even Japanese art – all are sources of artistic inspiration. A good example in this context is the Le Pliage line which is more than just a collection of handbags. It is a new vision of art expressed through fashion.

Any of the Longchamp handbags come with exceptional quality, practicality, and last but not least, outstanding design. There is no need to think twice. Be sure that Longchamp is always a good choice.

Tory Burch

Without any doubt, Italian and French fashions are superior to the others. But that doesn’t mean American fashion doesn’t have artists to be proud of. To prove this, it is enough to take a look at the collection of Tory Burch handbags. In fact, this name is relatively new in the fashion industry. The debut of the brand took place almost 20 years ago, in 2005 to be exact.

Even though it is quite “fresh” in the fashion realm, the brand has remarkably captured the market through its non-standard vision. What else could be expected from the creator of the brand, who inherited a special love for arts, travel, and culture from her parents?

The specific feature of the brand is expressiveness. Whether it’s the color, whether it’s a simple complementary element or the texture of the material, each model has something special that makes the bag stand out. In addition, handbags are always on the border between classic and contemporary. This makes them particularly adaptable to all styles, adding more value.


The next phenomenal designer in terms of spectacular handbags and not only is Celine. This French brand comes to show us how remarkable minimalism can be. It began humbly as a kids’ shoe store. Gradually, it expanded to develop footwear, accessories, sunglasses, and ready-to-wear units. Currently, the brand takes pride in being the brand of choice for many celebrities. The reason for that is the invitation for Phoebe Philo to become the creative director of the fashion house, which turned out to be the best decision it could have made.

All the brand handbags preserve an exquisite French air. The design minimalism by no means compromises their fashionable look. On the contrary, these add a flare of style and grace to any outfit. Nothing can go wrong if opting for a Celine handbag.

Final thoughts

I truly believe you will find these brands’ pieces of art fabulous. All of them come with an individual design and exquisite form to express fashion. The AAAReplica store can provide you with high-quality imitations to comfort your style expectations. Don’t miss the occasion to complete your wardrobe with delicate names, be they imitations. What really matters is that they are highly qualitative. So, spice up your look to feel gorgeous, splendid, and Confident.


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