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Best Tips for Pairing Your Replica Watch with Your Replica Jewelry: Part 2

Accessories and watches can make a phenomenally stylish “team” to boost the fashionable look of every woman. Just like men match their shoes with their belts, coupling accessories should be similarly important for the ladies’ audience. I’m glad you “digested” the information from the previous article and now you are ready to move on. Knowing what brands offer great accessories including jewelry and timepieces is not enough. To complete your knowledge, you need to consider some “laws”. These will guide you to the correct destination in your aim of looking stylish, refined, and exquisite. So, there are dos and there are don’ts.

What’s the point of your phenomenally bold and eye-catching bracelets and watches if you are flirting with them in your office? I believe that you begin catching the main idea. Not only your accessories should harmonize with each other, but they have to integrate into the overall environment as well. So, stay focused!

Take into account the whole picture

Think about your whole outfit before dressing up. Try to figure out the predominant style vector. Is it classy? Or is it casual? Also, is it colorful or nude? If it is casual, how could you dare think about the flamboyant and loud jewelry? Expressive jewelry and bold watches might look great, but not when coupled with a nonchalant casual outfit. So, the point here is to consider the whole ensemble. Attach the complementary accessories to your outfit as if they were from the same brand and the same collection. The watches and accessories should be an extension of your outfit ensemble and not an out-of-context trail.

Think about the theme of the event you plan to attend

Walking, wedding, business dinner, party, romantic dinners- all of them have a distinctive theme. Would be great if your presence integrates into the picture. You don’t go to the wedding in denim jeans and a shirt (unless it is a beach party). Similarly, you don’t pair a diamond replica watch with a diamond bracelet and necklace when attending a business meeting. Do you get the point? I’m pretty sure you do.

So, respecting the environment you are in only benefits you. It speaks about your mature refinement and intelligent character. It also suggests how distinguished you are in knowing how to integrate into a social network with its specific requirements. Therefore, choose your accessories and watches accordingly, be they extravagant or minimalist.

Avoid exaggeration

Lucky for you if you have a phenomenal collection of watches, bracelets, necklaces, and rings. But, this doesn’t mean you have to put all of them on, simultaneously. I understand that you want to let people know how great your jewelry and watch collection is. But, overlaying watches and bracelets will only generate displeased reactions. And that’s not what you want.

As previously mentioned, the key to fashionable style is balance. Therefore, your watch should be coupled with no more than three additional bracelets. Otherwise, the wrist will look overpowered and the watch will remain stylistically apart.

In the same context, pay attention to the “loudness” of your rings. Some ring sets come with 5 minimal pieces. These would be enough to be coupled with a minimalist timepiece instead of a lusty diamond watch.

Avoid wearing accessories that fight for the spotlight

Your jewelry must form a stylish “team” with your watch. They have to look harmoniously and complete one another, not fight against each other. Such cases occur when opting for a massive bracelet and an extremely bold timepiece, for instance. So, before closing the accessories you plan to put on, decide on which one will be the focal point. Is it going to be the watch? Then temper the expressiveness of the bracelet. Is it the bracelet you want to emphasize? Then moderate the stylistic magnitude of the watch. Therefore, it’s you who has to coordinate the others’ attention to you, making them observe what YOU want them to observe.

Listen to your heart

Sounds romantic, doesn’t it? In fact, what I wanted to say is to follow your gut feeling, intuition, sixth sense, or whatever you call it. Fashion laws and rules change every other day. And sometimes, it gets difficult to follow them, as you feel like you can’t keep up. Or, you can simply not resonate with the fashion concepts and you feel like you have your own taste and style. So, be open to your feelings. Simply because women are innately sensitive to beauty and refinement. Therefore, abstracting from any rule and creating her own vision of fashion is one of the miraculous things they can do. Test, experiment, and dare! After all, the main character of the picture is YOU and not your accessories. They just contour YOUR refined taste and YOUR inner nature, remaining modest elements in comparison to your majestic spirit.

The best accessory ever

So, is it the jewelry or the watch? Or both of them? As you can conclude, coupling them correctly can be easy and tricky at the same time. While thinking about which accessory of the two to emphasize, the answer is none. Simply because the best accessory ever is female confidence. With or without accessories, a high level of self-confidence is able to move mountains. So, dear ladies! Take control and treat accessories as channels through which you show your fabulous temperament and expressive personality. After all, being able to express yourself and remain yourself no matter what is the best asset and accessory a woman can wear.

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