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Common replica watch issues. How can you prevent them?

We are very glad to admit that our customers are highly educated in the watch industry. Many of them talk to us a lot Before and After the sales process. Therefore, we decided to leave here the most common questions and answers in order to make the process easier and clearer. We strongly believe that customers have to know all potential issues related to their replica timepieces. Based on this knowledge, customers will be able to prevent and preserve their timepieces for as long as possible.

The first thing we would like to emphasize is kind of a disclaimer. ALL timepieces are prone to specific issues, regardless of their genuine or replica status. Even the most expensive genuine watches are put at risk if ignoring some basic recommendations. Therefore, this article is for ALL watch enthusiasts, whether they have an original Panerai or Rolex, or a replica alternative.

In addition, we have to specify that a vast part of our replica watches is mechanical, which means that they include complex inner components. The more complicated the watch, the bigger the probability to undergo an unexpected issue. But, keep calm and read the article 🙂

The most frequently-met issues

There are three main troubles among the most frequently met issues. The first is the water damage, the second refers to magnetization, and the third refers to the gearing damage. Ironically, in most cases, these are by no means related to fabric errors. On the contrary, these appear as a result of misinformation, a lack of watch culture, and the absence of a deep understanding of how these issues should be prevented. According to our statistics, these concerns are mostly subject to mechanical timepieces that seem to be majorly affected by improper watch care.

Let’s dive into the depth of each particular issue, shall we?

Water resistance issue

As a general rule, both original timepieces and replica alternatives undergo specific testing analysis for their water resistance potential. Experts establish a water resistance rating by immersing the accessories in a specially-sealed container. Further on, they “play” with the water pressure gradually increasing it in order to simulate different water depths. We can frequently see the abbreviation “ATM” referring to the water resistance capacity of a watch. But what does it exactly mean? As a matter of fact, the abbreviation equals the following expression: Atmosphere Pressure. Thus, a one-atmosphere pressure marker is equivalent to about 10 meters in depth. 10 ATM equals 100 meters of water resistance, respectively.

A specific aspect to consider is that the tests are static. Therefore, the sealed container, as well as the timepiece, are both still. A potential movement of the watch associated with the swimming or diving process, adds even more pressure in real circumstances. Therefore, the water resistance rating from a laboratory should never be seen as identical to real water resistance potential in a natural environment. For instance, your replica watch is tested to be 100 meters water resistant, according to laboratory results. In reality, its true rating might achieve about 60-75 meters, since you add additional pressure while moving underwater.

Which is the water resistance rating of a replica watch?

As a general truth, owners of both replicas and original timepieces face the same dilemma. The watch brands have the advantage to appeal to third parties professional laboratories in order to test and improve the water resistance aspect. On the other hand, the replica industry does not always afford such services and performs the tests in-house.

Even though luxury brands come along with certificates that prove the water resistance aspect, let’s not ignore that these tests are performed in static conditions, as explained before. As a result, the most important lesson we can conclude is that any watch under 10 ATM water resistance should not be exposed to an underwater environment. This segment of watches is suitable for light swimming on the very water surface. Conversely, water activities associated with moderate to great depths such as diving, for instance, require other types of watches.

Is it possible to avoid water damage for my replica?

A short answer: yes, it is. But, you need to get acquainted with all factors that potentially contribute to your replica watch’s water resistance aspect.

High pressure is no good

First of all, you need to remember once and for all that relative pressure provides the most impactful effect on your watch. Therefore, any type of water sport generates an increased level of pressure around your beloved timepiece. In most cases, the 10 ATM of your replica watch might not be able to tackle the challenge. Our recommendation is to avoid the risk since even the exposure for a split second might be enough to irreversibly damage your replica.

Sea salt is no good

Another underestimated factor refers to salt exposure. As a general rule, the seawater has increased levels of salt and the latter “has great abilities” to damage the gaskets and watch seals. You might not observe the negative effect right away; but, be sure that the regular and repetitive exposure will certainly deteriorate the watch condition. Now that you know the risk you might intuit what you have to do next. Obviously, you will have to check your replica watch for its general condition and its level of lubrication. Watch experts will help you with this issue and will clean the timepiece to remove all unwanted residues. The frequency of such a procedure depends on how active your lifestyle is.

In case you cannot separate from your time companion, remember to always rinse the timepiece under clean water after diving or surfing. We think there is no need to remind you about the importance of locking your watch, in case you have a locking crown. The water can easily penetrate the watch case whenever the crown is left open. Either way, this piece of advice refers to watch enthusiasts that own a timepiece with more than 10 ATM water resistance potential.

Temperature swinging is not good

Even though your dealer presents you with lots of certificates proving your watch’s water resistance potential, you should always remain alert. The reason is simple: testers usually conduct water resistance analysis in room temperature circumstances. In contrast, the seawater might be cooler or hotter in comparison to the test environment. As a result, the watch seals might either contract or expand whenever exposed to other temperatures than tested in the lab. In conclusion, the good thing we can do is to strongly recommend you avoid taking showers or bathing while wearing your watch. Have a little respect for yourself and protect that replica treasure you wanted so feverishly.

Here we are at the end of the water-resistance issues chapter. As far as you can conclude, the damage is frequently caused by ourselves and the manufacturer has nothing to deal with this aspect. As a result, it’s up to us to protect the beloved replica timepiece and assure a safe environment. Thus, it will serve reliably and long-lastingly. Whenever you wish, our AAAReplica assistants can talk to you about the water safety of your timepiece. They will give you all the necessary info you need to know in order to protect your timepiece.

Magnetization issues

We bet that most watch lovers don’t pay much attention to this aspect. But, they should. First of all, let’s find out what watch magnetization means, to better understand all the threats associated with it.

The term is pretty suggestive. It is a magnetic effect mostly observed with mechanical replica timepieces. Also known as the “Neodymium magnet”, this phenomenon generates magnetic energy between the steel components of a swatch. As a result, the minutes run faster than regular and there is always a minute error in affected watches. Sometimes a reverse effect takes place when minutes delay in their functioning. Either way, the overall anomaly is known as Magnetisation.

Is magnetization caused by certain objects?

Definitely yes, and the list is pretty long. From our experience yet, some objects are more powerful in generating magnetization than others. These refer to gadgets, especially those that have a magnetic case or other magnetic cover components. Ironically, nowadays when smartphones and tablets are indispensable daily utilities, they pose a threat to our beloved replica timepiece. From now on, you should keep in mind that your iPad is a direct enemy of your timepiece. Similarly, computer hard drives, clock radios, or powered stereo speakers- all are able to generate magnetization in a split second.

Suggestions to check your replica watch for magnetization

There is one simple tool that will either confirm or invalidate the magnetization of your watch: the compass. All you have to do is to “play” with your compass for a while around your timepiece. In case it appoints on the watch, be sure to have your timepiece affected. Modern people don’t have compasses and don’t even intend to buy one. They use their iPhones to detect the magnetization status of their watch. They simply install certain apps that allow them to periodically check the condition of their watch. Usually, magnetometer apps are pretty accurate and reliable. If such a suggestion fits you better, go for it right away.

Magnetization confirmed. What’s next?

In such circumstances, it is recommendable to turn to a watch master. As a matter of fact, the procedure is simple and quick and can be easily performed by yourself. However, you will need a special device that you probably don’t have. Therefore, the watch master will cancel the magnetic charge with the help of a degausser. This demagnetizing device works by sending an electromagnetic pulse to the timepiece, thus breaking the magnetic charge off. As a result, you receive your timepiece back in its perfect condition.

So, take into account the effect of your devices whenever these are placed next to your replica timepiece. Though the magnetization effect is not a big threat in the long run, you don’t want to seek a watchmaker every week.

That being said, let’s go to the following and last issue: gearing damage.

What does gearing damage mean, more specifically?

As far as you certainly know, all mechanical (and not only) watches have tiny components within their movements. The delicate gears might be affected over time, or with improper care. Similar to other issues, the watch owners are those who unwittingly damage the gearing. They do that by forcing the day or date quick-set function without taking into account that the function advances automatically. The manual changing of calendar functions generates a negative impact on the overall calendar mechanism. Of course, there are cases when the manual calendar setting is necessary. But, it is important to know how to perform it correctly, without affecting the entire watch architecture.

Suggestions to protect replica watch gearing

The first step to consider is to realize that a mechanical timepiece is all about precision and accuracy. Therefore, if you decide to interfere in the process, make sure to do it correctly and attentively. In case you need to quick-set the date and time, it is recommendable to avoid engaging the quick set function between 10 pm and 3 am. Therefore, all adjustments should be performed outside this timeframe. Whenever you perform the quick-set function process, be delicate and vigilant. Your timepiece deserves the highest careful attitude possible.

Bottom line

As a matter of fact, these suggestions are viewed as general rules when having to deal with mechanical watches. However, every timepiece has specific characteristics and gearing protection techniques may vary accordingly. Whenever you intend to buy a replica timepiece, make sure to discuss with your dealer all potential risks. A professional replica store will not only sell you the item, but it will also take to educate you as far as you need. Always keep in mind that our replica store commits to delivering not only reliable timepieces but also reliable customer support assistance. Our dedication to customers makes us attainable whenever you need a piece of advice.

Whether it is about water resistance issues, gearing damage, or magnetization issues, our store is always open-minded and honest. We will sincerely speak about the real potential of watches’ water resistance and will find the most suitable replica version for you.

As for the rest, we really hope to have been useful via this article, and may your beloved timepiece last for as long as possible!

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