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How to choose a high-quality replica watch?

Like every other product, replica watches have different levels of quality. Some say that the replica industry offers Swiss-made clones and different A, AA, and AAA quality grades. Others think that these grades or levels do not exist because there isn’t any regulatory organization or committee which could check the replica watches’ quality according to a specific set of criteria. Either way, replica watch factories do follow certain quality criteria when producing watch imitations.

You might wonder how can I be so sure about that, given that it’s pretty hard to prove that a “Swiss-made” replica watch is indeed Swiss, for instance. Well, there are certain steps to take that can help any customer, be it new in the field, or deeply familiar, to choose a high-quality replica watch. I’ll try to expose them here so that any of you can sharpen his sight when looking for a replica. In the same context, you have probably seen plenty of YouTube videos where bloggers and influencers make comparisons between a genuine and a replica watch. As you could have observed there, the differences are minimal. This speaks about the fact that high-quality replica watches indeed exist, as opposed to the many myths about their low quality.

Before we start…

I would like to clarify one more aspect; some of you might think: Why would replica factories produce high-quality imitations if there is no quality-testing regulatory law? The answer is simpler than you might have thought.

In marketing and sales, there is a term like “customer return”. Therefore, the principle is simple: if you offer high-quality products and services, the customers will return. Also, loyal customers will recommend a good store to others, and an entire marketing cycle forms. So, certain replica watch manufacturers don’t need quality checking to provide high-quality goods. They just produce reliable replica watches intending to build a solid customer database. As a result, they create strong and reliable relationships with their clientele, and their business is flourishing.

Obviously, not all replica manufacturers have the same goal of creating good products to have their customers returned. Some of them produce for quantity, and not for quality. Therefore, the main challenge in this industry is to find the right dealer or store. This can be done with the help of independent websites specializing in store reviews. There, real customers leave their feedback and experiences so that other customers can always get familiar with the most rated and qualified replica dealers.

Now that you, more or less, know how things work out there, let’s see what you can do to find the right replica watch. You can cycle through this guide first. And when you think you found the right store, give it a try and check its veracity on those independent websites to see what other users say about it.

One more thing…

You have to know one more thing about the replica industry. In fact, only about 5% of the world’s population is able to afford genuine luxury goods. On the other hand, we see people wearing luxury items at every corner of the store. Now, imagine how many people buy imitations, be they watches, bags, shoes, etc… So, the point is that people buy replica goods to a higher extent than you could ever think. They just simply don’t talk much about it.

In the same train of ideas, there are hundreds, if not thousands of factories, smaller or bigger, producing fake items. Due to the high number of them, it gets confusing to spot the difference between a replica item and a counterfeit one. Counterfeit refers to copies that are meant to be produced for quantity, remember? On the other hand, replica goods are meant for quality. So, how to differentiate them? Price?!

Well, the price might be a criterion, but not the only one. Usually, cheap and extremely cheap copies are visible enough in their low quality that even a newbie can see how unprofessionally they are produced. But, when it comes to expensive copies, there is where the challenge arises. Some dealers take advantage of the customers’ naivety and label their cheap imitations with expensive prices, claiming that these are high-quality replicas. So, be prudent, don’t hurry, and pay attention to the following steps.

The 10 commandments

1. Replica Watch Weight

One of the most important criteria is comparing the weight of the replica watch with the genuine item. As a general rule, the genuine will always weigh more than the replica, simply because replica manufacturers don’t use the same materials as the big brands. The point is that the replica has to be as close to genuine as possible. There can be an admissible error fluctuating between -3/+3 g, it’s not critical. But, never more than that. If the replica watch is too lightweight, it means that the manufacturers use a low-quality type of material.

Most replica watch websites write about an identical weight. That’s just great whenever it is true. But, since the dealer can’t prove that online, you need to be as prudent as possible. In such a case, you need to make sure that you CAN return the replica watch, in case you aren’t satisfied with the real weight when you get the watch. Some online retailers don’t accept returns and refunds. Therefore, you might be caught in a trap. Therefore, you always need to read the return policy of an online dealer to make sure you won’t get an unpleasant surprise.

2. Thickness

Similar to the weight criterion, the replica watch thickness has to also be taken into account. It’s a true talent to reproduce watches maintaining the original dimensions. Because of the diverse replica movements, manufacturers find it challenging to incorporate them in fake watches without altering the original dimensions. Therefore, only a professional craftsman would be able to do that. Errors are acceptable, just like in the case of weight. But, these should never be critically different from the genuine models. Otherwise, it is simply a low-quality imitation.

3. Materials

Inspect the material of the replica watch you find. If it is an online purchase, chase with the customer support representatives for a while. Ask about the stainless steel, leather type, and coating, ask about everything. Most high-quality replica watches are made from the same material as the genuine model. For example, 316 stainless steel and not aluminum, or real calfskin leather and not eco-leather. In addition, responsible replica manufacturers use second-grade materials that are extremely close to the genuines’ high-end materials. Cheap ones look less sophisticated, less textured, and less polished.

4. Watches’ hands

If you have ever held a genuine watch in your hand, you have probably observed its smooth sweeping movement. The internal architecture of original timepieces has a pretty intricate construction. As a result, the watches’ hands operate and move flawlessly.

On the other hand, it is typical for replica and counterfeit watches to produce a specific “tick”. The point is that the “ticking” is more pronounced on counterfeit than in replicas. Experts make replica watches using professional techniques and mechanisms. As a result, the hands of the replica timepieces move smoother and are highly close to the mechanisms of the genuine ones.

Considering that you plan to order a replica watch online, it’s difficult to observe the watch hands. In such a context, you take the same steps as in the “weight” chapter. You first talk to the customer support representative, ask about the “ticking”, and make sure the dealer offers the possibility of returning the watch. When you get your replica watch, you inspect its hands, and if you are not satisfied with the promised quality, you return it.

5. Fonts

As a general rule, many watchmaking brands create their own fonts and patent them. Therefore, don’t expect your replica watch to have an identical font as the genuine model. It just doesn’t exist. So, don’t trust dealers promising you 100% the same font as they just try to fool you. But, what you CAN do is look for close resemblances in fonts. High-quality replica watches have a really great font imitation on their dial. Their colors and textures look almost the same and only under different light angles you can see that they have some differences. Either way, at first sight, these look phenomenally similar.

In conclusion, replica watch fonts are also a criterion to consider when looking for a watch imitation. Counterfeit and low-quality replica manufacturers don’t spend enough time to reproduce the watch identically, and neither have the necessary equipment. This is why their different fonts are visible to the naked eye.

6. Hour markers

I always recommend people who are in the replica watch hobby to inspect the genuine model every time they intend to buy the next replica watch. By doing so, you can observe how perfect the borders of the original watch’s hour markers are. The finesse with which these are manufactured can never be copied by a low-quality replica manufacturer. In contrast, high-quality imitations have edges almost as smooth as the genuine versions. Try to observe the accuracy of the hour markers. Also, try to analyze the hour indexes, be they Arabic or Latin numerals. These shouldn’t look like “stickers”.

7. Typefaces

It is admissible for a replica watch to have minor errors in its typefaces and dials. “Minor” is the keyword here. I mostly refer to details like engravings, logos, and inscriptions. Low-quality copies come with a diversity of major errors including misspellings, misplacement, or text distortions.

Sometimes, replica watches might have misplacements in functions like the date window or the moon phase calendar. This is justified by the fact that replica movements have specific constructions and the whole watch design needs to be adapted to that specific movement. This happens extremely rarely, in fact, and it’s not considered an error. It is more like a design adaptation for example, from the left side to the right side of one or another watch function.

On the other hand, errors in misspellings and writing are unforgivable. It’s a major disrespect engraving on the watch dial the word “Submarine” instead of “Submariner”. I think you got the point.

8. Date window

Here is a trick few watch enthusiasts know about. High-end replica watches not only have a sapphire crystal on the dial but the date window is also protected with the same material. These are scratch-proof and serve pretty long. Manufacturers that don’t care much about quality, replace the sapphire crystal on both the dial and date window with glass. Be prudent, because many of them sell such watches as being “Swiss-made” and ask pretty high prices for them.

What can you do if you order a replica watch online? You can ask for additional pictures of the real watches. Pictures from websites are not always authentic. Most of the dealers even use fake pictures that they find on stock platforms. So, you have the customer’s right to ask for additional photos to closely inspect the type of glass. In addition, you should take the replica watch from that dealer that is always open to giving you a refund, in case you spot that it’s not the quality you paid for.

9. Price

Here we will talk about two scenarios. The first one is the scenario when a watch “is too good to be true”. Many dealers are ready to sell replica watches at incredibly low prices and even give you a discount on the price. At the same time, he promises the best quality. Would you buy it? I hope the answer is no. When you pay a cheap price, please be prepared to receive a low-quality replica watch. It just doesn’t exist that a high-end replica is cheap.

The second scenario is a bit more complex. It’s about dealers that claim a high price for the replica, saying it’s a great one, while the truth is that the watch is a complete disaster. What I’m trying to say is that even if a replica watch comes with a high price, it doesn’t always mean that it is a high-quality one. So, when you find a more-than-average-priced replica, don’t hurry! Take your time to inspect it according to all the previous steps to confirm that it is worth the price.

In conclusion, good for you that you are ready to pay more for quality. But, be vigilant enough to find a quality-wise dealer to offer a truly high-quality replica watch.

10. Source

Don’t rush into buying a replica watch from the first store/source you find on the internet. Remember that good stores are always recommended by other people and maybe there is where you need to find a reliable source. Talk to your close friends. Gather some info about the stores they have bought from. Find forums and independent platforms that recommend trusted sources. Finding a reliable source is perhaps the most important criterion in the whole replica watch hobby. With a trusted dealer, you will never wonder if the high price justifies quality, if the refund is possible, if the payment is secure, or if customer support is ready to assist you.

So, before buying a replica watch, it’s critical to be sure of the dealer/source you want to buy from. In such a context, the AAAReplica store is a good example of such a source, in case you don’t know where to start.

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