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How to Correctly Replace Your Replica Watch Battery

If you landed on this article, this means that your replica watch’s battery has run out. I can only congratulate you for stopping your attention on this blog since here you will find out how to do things correctly. Without any doubt, Google can propose you millions of suggestions but it doesn’t mean that all of them are applicable. So, in this article, we will cover the most essential aspects you need to know to make this uncomplicated (at first sight) process as “painless” as possible.

When you bought your replica watch, you must have opted for a quartz movement version, right? Unlike mechanical devices, these operate on the basis of a battery. Even though quartz watches require battery changing once in a while, these are particularly user-friendly, despite all myths. Personally, I embrace them due to their loyalty and long serviceability. If you would like to hear more about the value of quartz watches, I invite you to read one of our previous posts describing their benefits. There we talk in detail about common (mistaken) beliefs as well as about their easy maintenance.

Returning to our muttons, we have gathered the best recommendations to replace your watch battery. The process takes some minutes and doesn’t suggest any risks, whenever done accurately and correctly. After all, the battery is a component like many others in your replica timepiece, so attention to detail is always welcome.

To begin with, there is no need to visit a repair expert as long as you have all the necessary utensils. Don’t panic, we are not talking here about some specific “heavy artillery”. Most probably, you have everything you need right in your home, without even knowing it. So, let’s dive in, shall we?

Utensils required for the watch battery replacement

Don’t begin the replacement until you are sure you have everything you need in front of you. Believe me, it’s not fun at all interrupting the process and searching for additional materials when you are already engaged in it. So, make sure to have at your disposal the following materials.

#1: Tweezers

These will help you to reach the gasket on which the battery is placed. For this procedure, you will need an accessory with a sharp and thin tip and a pair of tweezers is the best option possible. Don’t think that your fingers will do in such a case. While using your fingers, you can accidentally damage the inner components of the watch, including the main mechanism.

#2:A flat screwdriver or needle-nose pliers

To know exactly which one you will need, you have to inspect the casebook of your replica timepiece. Depending on its type, you will visually understand which instrument will be more convenient. Certain casebacks are so specific that might require a case knife to be removed. In addition, keep in mind that replica watches usually come in stainless steel. Therefore, you need an instrument bust enough to open the tiny screws integrated into the caseback.

#3: The battery itself

Obviously, you need a new battery to place instead of the old one. Consider that watch batteries can be different in materials and shapes. So, be prudent in selecting the one that fits your replica watch smoothly.

The Main Replacement Process

Step 1

After inspecting the type of your replica watch caseback, remove it accurately with the instrument you find the most appropriate. Traditionally, replica timepieces come with s screw-in casebook. In such a context, the most appropriate tool would be the needle-nose pliers. You will need to confidently, but accurately press the pliers times into the notices and twist them counter-clockwise. Follow the procedure with every screw until the casebook is open.

For the other types of casebacks featuring a solid snap-on “disk”, the flat screwdriver is more optimal. If you think the screwdriver is not sufficiently flat, opt for the case knife instead. With highly prudent moves, introduce the knife tip into the small caseback openings, pushing it upwards. Repeat the act with another opening until the cashback pops up, avoiding exaggerated up-pushing. At this point, your caseback should already be separated from the watch body.

Step 2

Now you see the battery, right? All you have to do now is to remove it from the inner mechanism. Using the pair of tweezers you have near you, pick it accurately up from the gasket. As mentioned before, don’t even think about removing it with your fingers, regardless of how prudent you are. As the responsible citizen you are, I’m pretty sure that you will dispose of the dried-out battery properly.

Step 3

Now that the watch gasket is empty, it is ready to “welcome” the new battery. For this procedure, you will use the same tweezers that you used for the previous battery removal. Don’t throw it into the gasket. Align it accurately to fit perfectly the space meant for it. Look from all possible angles to see whether all circular edges arrange well according to the gasket contour. You can also push the battery a little bit to assure that it fits the place.

Step 4

Almost done here. The only thing left is to place back the caseback, making sure you either screw in all the details or press the screw-free caseback to its initial position, until you hear a click.

For the screw-in version, you first place the caseback disk on the watch with your fingers and twist it clockwise. Only after this, you can fix tightly the screws until they get compactly sealed.

As you can figure out, no advanced mathematic skills are required for the whole procedure. You only have to be attentive to detail and patient. In the same context, let me give you some insights about the types of batteries you should opt for. As remarked previously, they are different in size and materials. Therefore, this information might also be valuable for you when you buy this detail for your replica watch.

Different types of batteries for your replica timepiece

Lithium versions

These versions of batteries have a pretty long lifespan, serving about 1-2 years. However, these are not the best option for your replica watch since they are more optimal for digital display timepieces. In such a context, these will serve better in a digital timepiece.

Alkaline versions

Such types of batteries are ok for quartz watches but don’t provide long serviceability. In general terms, these are functional for about up to one year. Therefore, you can consider them as a rescue option, when a short-lasting battery somehow solves unpredictable situations. Their major advantage is that they are the cheapest version of batteries. This is why many customers rely on them, despite their reduced lifespan.

Silver-oxide versions

This type of battery is what you need when replacing the ran-off battery from the replica timepiece. Traditionally, they serve long and loyally, being able to maintain the watch’s functionality “alive” for up to 5 years (depending on the manufacturer).

As a general rule, high-quality replica watches feature a silver-oxide battery by default. Medium or cheap-priced replica versions might come with an alkaline version of the battery. Next time when you decide to buy a replica timepiece, ask your dealer about the watch battery. If it is a professional and trusted dealer, he will include the most reliable type of battery in the replica watch.

Wounding up

You can replace the watch battery in a blink of an eye, whenever you have the necessary tools and positive self-determination. Thus, you don’t have to disturb the watch expert with such tiny requests. Have fun with the process and remember to do things prudently and according to the mentioned steps. By such means, your replica timepiece will serve you loyally for many years to come.

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