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How to Hit the Jackpot with a New Replica Watch

Replica watches aren’t perfect. While we have the advantage to pay significantly less than for an authentic version, we have to accept that there can be certain shortcomings. Still, I want to share with you some tips that will help you to get the best replica watch possible. Taking into account these recommendations will help you choose a really great timepiece to serve you long and reliably. When intending to have a new replica watch, we are tempted to buy the most beautiful, complicated, and trendy model. And that’s great, except for the fact that these are not the only aspects you should consider.

I’ve compiled a list of the most important criteria to take into account when buying a replica watch. Add them to your own list and you are likely to hit the jackpot with your new imitation.

Opt for waterproof models

Even if you don’t plan to take your imitation to the beach this summer, neither are you a seasoned diver, a waterproof imitation has a more solid case construction. Waterproof watches come with more reliable sealing. In addition, manufacturers integrate additional protective systems that are meant to keep water, dust, and all kinds of particles away. Therefore, even if you won’t use your watch in water, you will have more solid construction on your wrist. And a solid case prolongs the lifespan of your imitation.

Avoid gold-plated surfaces

I know, they attract you so much… They look so alluring and shiny and it’s so hard not to love them. But, not in replica watches. The point is that you can never be sure about the gold coating on it. Some manufacturers swear it to be thick. Others say that it’s identical to the genuine. Still, forums scream about how quickly the gold coating wears off and fades away. Do you want such an outcome on your watch? I doubt that. You should better go for clean, one-tone titanium or stainless steel, whose coating will last forever.

Less (complications) is more

I’d recommend you not to over-exceed with complications. The more complications a replica has, the higher the pressure on the movement. And don’t forget that movements in replica watches are also imitations. Limit yourself to watches that include only the necessary for your complications. Otherwise, you risk having a super-intricate timepiece, but with poorly-running functions.

Be prudent with special and unusual shapes

The replica movements are pretty difficult to integrate into unusual case shapes. As a result, there can be plenty of errors in the long run. Also, it’s quite challenging to match the sapphire glass to the unusual case. And just imagine if the glass gets broken. Who is going to service it? So, standard case shapes are the right way to go with watch imitations.

Be cautious with ultra-thin pieces

Ultra-thin cases presume ultra-thin movements. And it’s impossible to be sure that the replica manufacturer has professional expertise in making them at a high level. Therefore, there is an imminent risk that the thin movements can be too fragile. As a result, the replica watch can break far sooner than expected.


I hope this short-notice post will help you make the right choice. I always say that replica watches can be great whenever you know how to buy them correctly. And these tips are a part of the “right way of buying a replica watch”. Cheers!

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