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Jewelry?! Yes, Please!

Even though not every woman owns a box full of jewelry, all of them certainly want to. Some of us might have a couple of sophisticated earrings, others might own a pair of bracelets for special occasions. But, in a perfect world, we would all enjoy a chest overfilled with rings, diamond bracelets, and exquisite necklaces. The feminine spirit is inseparable from the beauty of jewelry. The latter somehow completes our charisma and makes us feel confident, yet subtle. Regardless of the casual or elegant style, jewelry has always been an essential ornament especially when it’s about some special events. Imagine your wedding or birthday look without any piece of jewelry; would you feel fulfilled? That’s highly improbable.

How relevant is jewelry in your life?

Luxury accessories have the role to unveil the woman’s inner charisma. These exteriorize inner features that remain unseen if not wearing them. As a matter of fact, the right jewelry has the potential to accomplish the outfit you choose to bring your look to perfection. Wearing jewelry is a confession of style and taste. Since most ancient times, women have expressed their inner spirit with the help of diverse accessories. They don’t simply beautify the aesthetic look; they add an air of confidence and self-satisfaction, complementing the feminine charisma.

Jewelry has always spiced the ladies’ personality, enhancing and contouring the opinion of others towards the lady wearing it. Just imagine a lady adorned with a diamond bracelet harmoniously blending with diamond rings. What impression would you make about her? Now, dive deeper into your imagination and picture a lady wearing chunky accessories with playful bangles. Isn’t that true that these two personalities differ in their style, vibe, and spirit? Absolutely. This is what jewelry can do for you: change the world’s vision of you from a delicate and subtle woman to an adventurous and vivid spirit. It’s all up to you how you like the world to perceive your personality.

What does jewelry say about you?

Just like watches and perfumes, your jewelry pieces convey a certain message. Since we all discern the surrounding world through visual aptitudes, we are constantly scanning and resonating with what captures our attention the most. In such a context, jewelry can captivate attention in various forms. You just need to choose the form that is more appropriate for you. What really matters is to do things correctly, to not exaggerate.

For instance, you can opt for one single shouting piece. A large one. For example, a big collar necklace can grab people’s attention, covering you with an intriguing charisma. Make sure to not overstate with other complementary accessories, like a big gem ring, in order to avoid excess.

For the romantic spirits, it’s not quite necessary to wear heart-like pendants and earrings. Delicate accessories with subtle elements will perfectly do, especially when you combine earrings, rings, and necklaces from the same series.

Artistic spirits usually step aside from romanticism and opt for crafted objects. Usually, their taste is very specific and they adore hand-made jewelry in which they see a deep form of art. Even though artists’ jewelry is often misunderstood and somehow obscure and unclear, it conveys a profound symbolistic message that only another artist can unveil.

Dynamic and thirsty for adventure personalities are less likely to wear classic luxury jewelry. They pay homage to life through their accessories and express their vividness through bright colors and oversize dimensions. This is why such a category of persons usually opts for plenty of mismatching bracelets and dangling earrings along with brightly-colored bangles. The more chaotic the jewelry combination is the higher the grade of impulsivity and dynamism.

That’s the magic about jewelry: you can interchange pieces according to what you want to express. You can juggle different styles to convey different messages. From radiant classic diamond rings and bracelets to vintage minimalist bangles and necklaces- all describe a certain state of your mind.

Jewelry as a gift: Yes or No?

Every woman is unique in her own way. And jewelry can exteriorize her uniqueness. So, when it comes to buying jewelry as a gift, many men have the fear to mismatch her style, her preferences, or her nature. As a result, they prefer buying a gift card explaining that it would be better for her to choose what she exactly wants. But, there is always a but.

What about the emotions that come together with the jewelry gift? Dear men, a jewelry piece is not only an accessory. It is an element that attaches to the heartstrings of a woman. Every piece is a memory associated with a certain event, circumstance, or occasion. Therefore, you can buy her something to express the way that YOU see her. And she will appreciate not the jewelry itself, rather than the emotions you express when gifting it. That’s what she will memorize and associate the jewelry with. Of course, there are some recommendations to take into account:

-you never have to impose your selection on her;

-prepare to explain kindly and nicely your choice;

-associate the jewelry with her personality traits;

As a matter of fact, these suggestions are not intended for men wanting to gift jewelry to their beloved women. These are also appropriate for all those who want to buy a gift for mothers, sisters, grandmothers and so on. So, it’s about the talent of offering a jewelry gift, more than about matching the preferences.

Final thoughts

Indeed, jewelry doesn’t play a vital role in a woman’s life. We all can live without them since we all might have more important priorities. But, in terms of confidence increase, style fulfillment, and personal satisfaction a jewelry piece is absolutely indispensable. What elements could help us obtain these states other than jewelry? With their help, we can look weak needing protection and comfort, or we can look strong and confident to convey that no one can compete with us. So, looking from this perspective, little things can make big differences. Just take your time to immerse into your own universe to discover what type of jewelry resonates the best with your taste and spirit.

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