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Major mistakes ladies make while wearing bags

You are far too wrong to believe that handbags are simple accessories for ladies. Apart from being utilitarian items, handbags are “chests” carrying secrets that only women can understand. Through their handbags, ladies usually express themselves. This is why the quest for the best handbag never stops. Even owning 5-7 handbags in the wardrobe, does not exclude being seduced by an extraordinary bag displayed in store windows. Regardless of how wide the handbag collection is, any woman imaginarily portrays a new handbag being sorted with a new outfit.

Thankfully, the modern industry offers us thousands of models, one more attractive than the other. So we have a wide range to choose from. However, sometimes the variety can cause us headaches because we can make an incorrect choice. As familiar as ladies are with fashion trends, many of them get confused about how to match their handbags with their outfits. A bag must necessarily compliment the entire outfit, not be a separate piece from another context. In this context, some recommendations will help you make the right choice.

We analyzed the market and found some serious errors in carrying and choosing the right bag. Of course, these mistakes are not fatal. But if you commit them, you risk ruining your effort to look like a woman with taste. So why risk it? Take these suggestions into account and your bag will be not only a tool for storing things but also a complementary accessory to your personality.

Mistake #1: too small or too big

Having found a perfect handbag is not enough. Before paying for the bag, try to picture it with the possible outfits you are going to were it. Never disregard the dimensions of a handbag, since these might either empower your look or ruin it. You might opt for the best quality and the greatest design. But if you don’t estimate how it will look on your outfit background, you are one step from committing a big mistake.

Just imagine the scenario: a lady of short stature is carrying an oversized handbag. It will look, at least, anesthetic. In another train of ideas, a lady with a loud and bright outfit is wearing a tiny purse. Would it stand out? Definitely not, since the purse will simply get visually lost in the complex outfit. In this context, the role of a handbag is not only carrying your keys and lipsticks; it has to equilibrate the overall proportions.

Mistake #2: overfilling is never a good idea

This mistake is also frequently observed in men, as we explained in our previous article about men’s most frequent mistakes. So, the idea is the same: a bag should never convey pressure on your shoulders. Therefore, all you have to do is to picture your day ahead. If planning several office meetings or solving certain document issues, go for a trendy backpack or folio bag to fit all your materials. Don’t overfill your handbag that isn’t meant to carry plenty of things. Otherwise, you impact its form and shape. In addition, your look is completely unaesthetic, unfortunately.

So, remember: opt for a bag that can carry all the necessary stuff for that day. And don’t turn noble and elegant handbags into backpacks and portfolios. Use the bags according to their purposes. Avoid placing millions of stuff in your casual handbag like hand creams, wallets, documents, 8 lipsticks, etc… Balance the stuff you take with you when leaving the home and integrate it into the handbag.

Mistake #3: opting for the wrong material

This mistake is predominantly specific to compulsive shoppers. This segment of customers gets so quickly obsessed with the handbag color or pattern that skip analyzing the material or better said- material quality. The quality you opt for determines the longevity of your handbag. It’s not excluded that a high-standard bag might cost a little bit more expensive in comparison to those of low-quality. But, remember that the no.1 priority should always be quality.

First of all, you have to chill BEFORE buying the great bag you find. Try to figure out what is it made of. Is it leather, faux leather, velvet, or cotton? Now think about how often you plan to wear it. Increased attention should be paid to those bags you plan to wear daily. As a general rule, these wear off faster and hence you need high-quality leather to serve you long and durable. Usually, expensive bags can provide long-lasting wearability. So, you should look at it as a long-term investment.

If your bag is for some special occasions it doesn’t mean you should disregard the material quality. It is highly recommended to take a close inspection of clasps, seams, and color layers. Poor-quality handbags might start fading within a couple of weeks after buying them. So, is it worth it?

Compulsive shoppers (and not only), don’t rush into buying fast and irresponsibly! You want a handbag to serve you long and trustworthy. Spend an additional 5 minutes on bag inspection before purchasing it. After all, poor-quality material is always obvious and you don’t want other people to make a bad impression on you.

Mistake #4: bright color is great…but not always

Nowadays, fashion trends dictate extremely unusual styles, and all of us try to keep up. People look for expressing themselves and often they use their bags for such purposes. Generally speaking, opting for bright and colorful handbags is a great idea because these break the monotony of neutral outfits. In addition, they add dynamism to the overall look and help you stand out from the crowd. So, experimenting with different color palettes is an embraceable idea.

The mistake ladies usually commit in this chapter is exaggerating with colors. As I have just mentioned, a bright, appealing, and vivid handbag is meant to diversify the look of a neutral and monotonous outfit. The bag should be viewed as an outfit accent stressing your good taste. If in another context your outfit is already full of colorful accents and bright elements, there is no need to exaggerate with your handbag, as you risk distorting the overall aspect.

Mistake #5: disregarding the inner structure

Unlike men who usually see only the practical side of a handbag, ladies usually see the design aspect…only. But, a handbag should not only look fabulous outside but also be extremely practical inside. After all, a bag is meant to keep things organized. And if skip this aspect, you will have nothing but a mess in the interior of your bag.

In the ideal scenario, a great handbag should have several compartments inside, Smaller and bigger. The bag should not resemble a “sack” storing and carrying your accessories chaotically. On the contrary, there have to be accessible pockets for your keys and phone, so that you don’t need to take your wallet out every time. Many handbags might look great from the design point of view. But when you begin wearing it on a daily basis, you might observe how uncomfortable it can be, when it lacks additional compartments to maintain your stuff organized.

Mistake #6: buying from untrusted sources

The online environment is often very tricky. We can come across plenty of sponsored ads on our social media showcasing perfect handbags. We might fall into the trap instantly and get extremely disappointed once we receive the order. This is why it is of most importance to know where to buy from. It is mandatory to check the online store you intend to buy from in order to avoid a potentially low-quality item. In such a context, our AAAReplica store offers you not only great handbags in terms of quality, but full responsibility as well. Explore the wide portfolio of handbags for different occasions, styles, and preferences. In addition, you will find pretty qualitative and durable replica items from the best fashion designers. With this store, you will save time and will gain plenty of satisfaction.

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