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Replica shoes and replica bags: do they have to match?

We have talked so much in our previous articles about the right matching between the accessories and outfit. But there is one question left: what about replica shoes and bags? Is it still trendy to match and combine them according to color and style? In the modern fashion world, it sometimes seems that the main fashion rule is to break all fashion rules and go for the personal view of style. But, does this approach reflect on the shoes and bags matching as a whole?

This question concerns many fashionistas in 2022-2023. With so many replica designer shoes available it is not hard to couple them with fabulous replica designer bags. The question is if it is still necessary. I decided to explore the topic deeper and share my insights with all customers that ask themselves the same question. I’ll take a closer look at the subject in the hope you know better what kind of replica shoes and bags to buy next time.

Is it still ok to match the purses with the shoes?

Honestly speaking, I always found this trend captivating. Maybe I might be slightly old-fashioned, but I see much more beauty in coupling things and accessories rather than chaotically choosing them without any logic. Or, the logic consists in drawing attention specifically by mismatching. You know the old saying “bad marketing is still marketing”. Either way, I want to look objectively at this topic in this article.

The truth is that the concern about matching or not the shoes with bags is pretty common on Google and Social Media Platforms. This means that plenty of people have observed that this trend has had an alternating character lately. Making reference to popular influencers from TikTok and Insta, it is absolutely obvious that the trend runs to its full potential. If you don’t resonate with the Social Media environment, take a look at the iconic brands. Some of my favorites (possibly, yours too) like by Far, Bottega Veneta, or Valentino put a strong emphasis on matching shoes they create with bags.

So, returning to the basic question, the answer is Yes. Matching bags with shoes is still a thing nowadays. Although some fashion experts don’t welcome the return of this tendency, it is winding up progressively. So, in short: if you were about to couple a pair of replica high heels with a new replica bag, you were on the right way. Before recommending you some tips on how to do it right, take into account the “history” of this matching. It is not excluded to find some inspiration from the past to look great in the present.

When did it all begin?

Actually, the fashionable tendency of matching bags and shoes is the result of assiduous marketing work. Everything began far after the 2nd World War. Until then, the population wasn’t deeply involved in all named “fashion”. Thus, during the post-war period, the sales of bags naturally decreased, and so did the accessories segment. As necessity is the mother of inventions, marketers have invented the mix-and-match sales technique. This meant combining colors, materials, and accessories to form complete and stylish outfits.

Obviously, this approach has been massively advertised and the result was not late in coming. Shortly after, ladies across Europe and the USA began wearing greatly coupled outfits, expressing their nice taste in matching accessories.

Further on…

To push the trend forward, marketers began exposing bags and shoes coupled together at the boutique windows to captivate the attention of ladies passing by. It was incredible to observe how ladies perceived such “combos” as a single unit instead of two pieces. The trend continued stably long after. However, in 2013, fashion houses began experimenting with mismatching these outfit elements. As a result, the trend started to lose its position in favor of more chaotic outfit combinations.

In the fashion world, it is pretty common to observe swinging tendencies from extremes to extremes. Therefore, people have taken over the “fashion experiments”, mismatching bags and purses. But, it didn’t take long until people got bored, as it frequently occurs with all new modern trends. As a result, marketers observed the people’s expectations and returned to the basics. The basics refer to the good old matching, which is always a sign of good taste and refinement.

Bags and shoes matching in 2022-2023

The conclusion is clear: matching the style of your shoes with the style of your bag is definitely the right way to go. Don’t be afraid to follow the same color or pattern of these two elements of your outfit. You might want to wear a “loud” dress or suit. And whenever you couple it with a bag and shoes from the same fashion line, the whole outfit takes a stylish and refined vector.

The tendency seems to be pretty stable; according to fashion forecasts, the matching approach promises to remain trendy up till 2023 and even further. Now, make sure to discover which replica designer bags are the most popular now and match them accordingly with the most fabulous replica shoes. To avoid mismatching risks, consider the following tips, as promised before.

Matching replica shoes and replica bag with the “little black dress”

To begin with, take into consideration the circumstances under which you plan to wear your black dress. In case we are talking about a potential romantic dinner, a black replica bag and black replica shoes will classically do. To add a drop of exquisiteness, you can always opt for black accessories with metallic elements, whenever both the bag and the shoes feature them. For the office environment, the black shoes couple great and gorgeously with a tote bag. By the way, the tote bag doesn’t need to be necessarily black. Alternatively, it is always welcome to choose a color that is trendy this season. The bright red version is always the right way to go, especially when it matches your red lips.

What about a red dress? What replica shoes and bag is it compatible with?

As a matter of fact, no strict rules are available for the red dress. The only important suggestion is to pay attention to the contrast between the bag and shoes. While most outfits embrace the single tone of the shoes and bags, things are a little different with the red dress. The red color is by itself appealing and “loud”. Adding “loud” compliments might add a drop of vulgarity to the overall outfit. To balance things, the best solution is to add a darker bag and a lighter pair of shoes, regardless of the hue you opt for.

Monochromatic is always welcome. But what about brown shoes with black bags?

Actually, this is a very risky combination, unless you are a true fashion master and know how to combine things right. Everything depends on the type of shoes and the type of bag. For instance, brown pumps are not the best matching solution for a black hobo bag. On the other hand, a black tote might look harmonious with chestnut over-the-knee brown boots. But, again, depending on what the person is wearing as a basic outfit. So, this is dangerous territory, I would dare to say. Without deep knowledge in the fashion realm, I recommend avoiding such types of combinations.

Is the same color for bags and shoes a good idea?

Oh, yes, it is. This is the best solution and practice when you don’t want to screw things up. Moreover, wearing shoes and bags of the same color is a great “tool” to make you look taller. If you need some additional visual cm in height, go for a tote or shoulder bag, coupling it with shoes of the same color. The combination will visually elongate your body, making your silhouette slimmer and more gorgeous.

What about different prints, patterns, and embellishment elements?

Let’s assume you got a replica Louis Vuitton bag featuring the iconic and remarkable LV pattern. It doesn’t mean that your shoes must have them as well. As afore-mentioned, everything is about balance. So, just identify the basic color of the bag and couple it accordingly with your shoes. For instance, if the bag is a patterned green, go for a plain green for your shoes. The rule is available for the reverse scenario as well.

As for the embellishment elements like hardware, buckles, and studs, the things are simple. There is nothing worse in the style world than to combine opposite materials. By “opposite materials” I refer to gold and silver, for instance. Fashion experts might bring as many arguments as possible, trying to convince me about the possible harmony between both. I will never accept it since these two metals have absolutely different charisma, aura, message, and style vibe.

Final ideas

Combining the outfit correctly, including the complementary accessories, is an art. Matching shoes with bags and additional accessories add a sort of refinement to the overall aspect since it looks complete and polished. After all, coordinating and balancing the outfit IS the fashion nature. What should a fashionable lady look like, in your opinion? In mine, she should harmonize patent leather with patent leather, a black belt with black glasses frames, white gloves with a white bag, and so on. If you share the same view, then you know how to look fabulous. Anytime you need a new pair of shoes for your new bag (or vice versa) explore the AAAReplica collections to find the optimal items for you.

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