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The greatest mistakes people make when buying replica watches

Each time we decide to buy a replica watch, we feel a sort of concern about coming across the best one. Be it our first replica timepiece, or just another piece in our watch collection, fear seizes us, turning the process into a nerve-racking experience. Undoubtedly, our primary goal is to get something reliable, long-lasting, and why not, affordable. Things would be much easier if we could afford an authentic timepiece. In such a case, there would be no doubts. But, the truth is that the prices for the original models are far too unreachable for us, and we have to settle for more modest watches- replica timepieces.

As a matter of fact, these concerns come from the common social stereotypes claiming that replica products are no good. But, the undeniable fact is that the replica industry has attained great quality progress lately. Therefore, the question is not “Can I get a qualitative replica timepiece?”, but rather “HOW to get a qualitative replica watch?”.

To calm the spirits, the first thing you have to accept is that IT IS possible to find a great replica watch to serve you trustworthy and long. All you have to do is to avoid some of the biggest mistakes during the process of buying a replica timepiece. Keeping them in mind will help you spot the difference between a doubtful replica item and a great one. Our AAAReplica team has gathered the most frequent mistakes collected from our site visitors. We were interested in their concerns, previous experiences, and aspects they pay attention to and listed them here. We hope you find them useful so that the next time you intend to buy a replica timepiece, you will make things right.

Mistake No.1: thinking that only expensive replica timepieces are worth buying

At this point, the first thing we would like to do is to recall Steve Jobs saying: “both the expensive and the cheap timepiece indicate the same time”. Generally speaking, a timepiece is a tool to show the time, and high prices of replica timepieces do not always stand for high quality. Therefore, the price is not the ultimate aspect to consider while buying one.

In many instances, replica factories value their timepieces at high prices only because they associate with reputable original brands like Rolex or Breitling. But, don’t forget that these brands invest pretty much finances in marketing strategies. While the original timepieces do have unquestionable quality, some replica versions only use the name of the brand but don’t always provide the promised high quality. In such circumstances, a Patek Philippe replica timepiece might be much cheaper than a Rolex replica, while the quality can exceed all expectations. Patek Philippe replicas are usually cheaper not because of a reduced quality standard, but simply because the original brand is not as advertised as Rolex, for instance.

The point is…

So, the conclusion is that many replica manufacturers charge more for the “echo” of the original brand, and not always for the high-quality standards. Just to help you look from another perspective, try to compare a Rolex replica watch with a Vacheron Constantin one. Usually, a replica Rolex with fewer special features and complications is higher in price than a truly-complicated Vacheron Constantin, even though both of them might share the same quality standards.

So, price alone is not the “final curtain” argument. Of course, this does not mean that the best replica watches are the cheapest. Qualitative timepieces will never be cheap. But, the point is that maybe it’s worth looking for less advertised brands and saving some money due to their moderate prices. Replica Tudor, Hublot, Patek Philippe, Panerai, and Tag Heuer are pretty good examples to consider.

Mistake no.2: excessively relying on certain models and certain brands

Many customers seek certain replica models NOT because they really need them, but because they have heard that they are popular and sought-after. In many instances, being an “Explorer” is enough argument to quickly buy the replica watch. So, please recall what we have mentioned in “mistake no.1” about the advertising. Rolex has invested a fortune to advertise this model and you might be a “victim” of the marketing strategy. But, did you analyze its features? Does the replica watch meet your personal needs? Is it matching your style?

If your answers are “Yes” then go for it. Rolex Explorer replica watches are indeed great models. But, an imposing segment of customers gets confused when discovering that, in fact, timepieces with other characteristics or style features turn out to be more suitable for their needs.

So, before dropping a bunch of money on a device that does not match your needs, try to get in depth with its specifics and features. It is not excluded that a more formal watch would be more suitable for you and you never know how a Vacheron Constantin replica can meet your preferences and necessities even better.

Mistake no.3: Disregarding the tiny details

“I saw a replica Cartier on my buddy’s wrist and I found it so amazing. I want a similar one”- this is the phrase that we frequently hear from our site visitors. In name instances, customers launch into buying a replica device impulsively, simply because it looks great, on the surface. But, after having the watch for a couple of months, they discover plenty of imperfections and malfunctioning details. Whose fault is it? The customer’s fault or the replica manufacturer’s?

The replica industry is formed from several quality layers, from the cheapest to the most expensive. If you come across a cheap replica manufacturer asking for a nice timepiece, it will provide you quickly. But, don’t be surprised that within a couple of weeks the finish begins fading away or the screws start to come off the hinges.

Spend a little more time investigating what type of material the dealer uses to build the replica watch, which is the country of origin of all the watch details, what is the warranty period, and what it exactly covers. Make your research deeply and get in direct touch with the potential replica dealer, if necessary. The aesthetic aspect should NOT be the no.1 priority when buying a replica watch. You better own a minimalist replica timepiece like Patek Philippe with the astonishing quality of details, rather than a super-complicated Rolex Submariner replica with malfunctioning details, despite its great look.

Our best suggestion is to predominantly rely on Swiss components or AAA quality details. They serve long and reliable, as well as provide durable serviceability.

Mistake no.4: Underappreciating the watch substance in favor of style

This point is kind of a continuation of the previous one. A common mistake of watch enthusiasts is to buy a replica watch because of the style, skimping the functionality aspects. We would recommend instead to educate yourselves a little bit in terms of inner mechanisms, types of movement, and calibers. In frequent cases, a replica watch might cost a fortune because it looks simply phenomenal, indeed. The same phenomenally-looking watch might house a cheap Asian movement, causing plenty of functional errors. Certain replica dealers dream about having “uneducated” customers that would never wonder about the movement quality. As a result, the customer is likely to get a beautiful shell, but poor-quality details inside.

So, be ready for changes in your decisions. It’s highly likely to begin searching for a Cartier, but end up buying Breitling, for instance. Simply because the inner mechanisms might not be as “attractive” as the stylish outer look. But, in order to spot the difference between a reliable movement and a risky one, grab a coffee and read some articles about them.

Mistake no.5: having no idea about what you are looking for

It was funny for us to discover that most customers can’t imagine themselves without a watch, but few of them can exactly explain WHY they want a certain model. And it does not necessarily refer to the watch design; it’s more about the functional aspect. So, according to our analysis, customers usually divide into two groups: those who simply want to wear a timepiece, and those who really need one.

Those who simply want a replica timepiece usually hardly make a decision. They swing from one model to another, finding plenty of disadvantages in all timepieces. On the other hand, people who need a watch strictly know what features the replica watch must have. As a result, they make their decision fast and precisely.

We don’t say it, statistics do

According to statistics, the second category rarely becomes disappointed over time about the watch it has chosen. As a general rule, such customers wear their replica watches to the extremes and find the device completely matches their needs. On the other hand, customers that are not decisive in their selection, endlessly switching between models, get quickly bored about their purchase and frequently state that the watch wasn’t suitable enough for them.

So, the conclusion is: that the better you know your needs, the higher the probability to get the best timepiece to remain satisfied long after. Describe your needs: what do you need your replica watch for? Appoint it all on a sheet of paper. And find the watch that matches all the points. By such means, you will get a replica watch to solve certain pain points, and hence, you will be satisfied for a long time ahead. In addition, you will stop buying replica watches compulsively. If you adopt a clear and definite approach towards buying a replica watch, chances are that you will get the most out of your purchase.

Mistake no.6: buying compulsively a replica watch

Many watch enthusiasts see a certain replica timepiece on their office-mate wrist and want a similar one. They usually place the order on the first online store they find on google, without even checking the veracity of the online shop. And, guess the outcome!

At this point, you should always use the tool you have at your disposal: the internet. It’s a real drama when people don’t spend enough time on the store research, given the huge internet database at a click distance. So, investigate the store you intend to buy from. Read the customers’ reviews about the store’s watches and discover other people’s experiences. You have all the needed resources to investigate in depth the trustworthiness of the potential online store you want to buy from. So, just use them.

Mistake no.7: not estimating the budget

We frequently ask our visitors about the price range they consider paying. But, most of them answer “I’m not quite sure about that”. And this happens not only with the AAAReplica store but with plenty of other online stores as well. Simply because customers are not used to estimating their budgets.

So, what happens in such circumstances? Customer care agents begin suggesting moderate-priced replica watches, with the aim of not confusing them with expensive options. Customers accept the offer and when receiving it, they write emails suggesting that they would have liked a Swiss version, instead of the AAA quality replica. So, it turns out that the customer does have financial possibilities for a high-grade timepiece. The problem is that he doesn’t mention that, creating confusion between him and sales/customer care representatives. If customers set a certain budget from the very beginning, it’s pretty easy to offer the replica timepiece within the budget range.


In the same train of ideas, always remember that a replica Rolex can be of phenomenal quality or extremely poor quality. The same happens with the rest of the replica watches from other brands. That’s the reality of the replica industry we have to accept. Never expect the cheapest replica watch to provide long-lasting durability and quality.

We suggest you target high-quality devices to have the best from them. In such a case, consider slightly going out of the budget when finding a truly superior-quality replica timepiece. And consider it a long-term investment. Sometimes it is better to overpay $100 to get a phenomenal Swiss-made replica timepiece, with 2 years of warranty and after-sales support. Otherwise, you can save those $100 but get no warranty, no support, and no responsibility for possible malfunctioning.

Wounding up

Here you have the most common mistakes customers use when purchasing a replica timepiece. It’s no wonder why many of them might report frustration and disappointment. Don’t let others influence your decision-making. Simply take these mistakes as basic rules for your following replica watch purchases. Taking them into account will diminish all risks and will help you enjoy a great replica timepiece. By the way, you can find such on our online store. Will be glad to meet you there! Cheers!

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