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The watch you choose to wear says something about you. What exactly?

Am I the only one here, “reading” the personality traits of a person by looking at the watch he wears? And it doesn’t happen deliberately, to be honest. Every time I interact with a certain person and discover his watch preferences, I automatically draw some conclusions about him. “He is an intellectual”, “he is an adventurer”, or ”this person is very focused and determined”- these are some of the thoughts that come to my mind when I see what kind of watch he or she wears on the wrist.

Some decades or even centuries ago, people were wearing watches for one single reason: to read the time. Nowadays, this purpose seems to have been eclipsed by other purposes, one of which is to mirror the type of the wearer’s personality. Reading time is left for smartphones and smartwatches. Traditional wristwatches, instead, are like “couriers” sending signals about the wearer’s personality traits.

No, No, No…

It’s not that I’m a great psychologist and philosopher here; only that each time I draw these conclusions they seem to be so right. So, I wanted to know more about this subject and even read some articles on the matter in several magazines. I was pleased to discover that I was right: watches do say a lot about people wearing them. The only difference between those articles and my observations is that they mostly refer to certain TYPES of watches (dress, formal, pilot). In contrast, my observations mostly refer to certain BRANDS of watches. That is to say that specific people choose to wear Rolex for specific reasons, others choose Omega, and so on. And these people don’t even realize that they have so much in common with other people opting for the same watch brand.

Stay with me here in this article to find out what people choosing a certain watch brand have in common. Without any doubt, there can be several lapses in my observations, But don’t judge me tough; as I said, I’m not a professional psychologist. The following conclusions are subjective and I would like it a lot if you share your own opinions on the matter, writing in the comments below if you did or did not recognize yourself. Let’s have some fun!

What’s your favorite watchmaking brand?

Before sharing my observations with you, I’d like you to think about your favorite watchmaking house. I know, there are hundreds of them out there. Since we here at the AAAReplica store are mostly dealing with replica watches, I’d like you to think about the most commonly met watches in the replica industry. To narrow down your horizons, let’s limit our focus to the following brands (otherwise, I would have to write an endless article): Richard Mille, Hublot, Patek Philipe, Panerai, Breitling, Omega, and Rolex. Don’t worry if you don’t align with any of these brands. There is an explanation for your personality as well.

If you decide which of these brands seems the closest to your heart and soul, let’s see what your selection says about you as a character.

Omega: relentless adventurers

Just like the brand that conquered the Moon and is now aiming for Mars, you too are a spirit always looking for adventures, new goals, and their accomplishment. You don’t seem to be the type who loves routine and closed spaces. You love to live through the prism of healthy adventures that fill your brain with positive impressions and beautiful memories. Also, you choose Omega because you like the brand’s style of making things simple, but extraordinarily beautiful and engaging. You are not the person who displays your income and successful status at the office. On the contrary, you are the spirit that helps others to climb the career ladder.

Activities such as cycling, swimming, hiking, and snowboarding are very close to your soul. Maybe you don’t have the opportunity to travel all the time, but you would certainly like it very much. In the ideal scenario, you prefer a job in open spaces, with lots of interaction and constructive discussions. You adore beautiful life experiences and accept challenges easily, especially those that guarantee you a sensational release of dopamine. However, you are always balanced and organized. You know how to delimit the negative aspects from the positive ones in an adventure, and that makes you appreciable in your community.

Panerai: a high sense of creativity

Panerai watches are not for everyone. Better said, not every watch enthusiast “understands” Panerai timepieces. That’s because they have an air of extravagance in them that only creative and open-minded personalities can appreciate. You have a special taste for combining outfits and even when you opt for the most casual one, you know how to make it look outstanding. You are never afraid of chunky outfit elements.

More than that, the standard look bores you to death and you look for at least one outfit element to break the monotony. Most probably, you don’t only love watches; you also love to extend your closet as much as possible, adding to it some color, a drop of flamboyance, and maybe extravagance once in a while.

Everything around you is a source of inspiration; that’s why you might be a seasoned photographer. You like freedom and parties, but you are never late for work the next day, no matter the degree of your hangover.

I don’t exclude you have a passion for art and maybe you don’t much about it, but you love to listen to those who do. The Panerai on your wrist is your symbol of loving being different and leaving a hallmark wherever you go.

Rolex: a message of ambition and success

What can you expect from a person who wears a watch from the most resounding and popular watch brand? For sure, he can’t be an introvert, right? (Though, I’ve met a couple of such persons loving Rolex watches to madness). On the whole, people who are successful and want to show it to the whole world opt for a Rolex watch. Just like the brand that doesn’t find it necessary to prove anything to anyone (but itself), you have the same confidence in yourself.

And you know? Wearing a Rolex is not always about showing off. It’s also about being universal. It’s about being prepared to go to work in the morning, but arriving at noon on a beach with a cocktail in hand, in the neighboring town. These people are extremely easy-going, which speaks about their fast thinking and quick reaction. They always will be pedantic to quality and will look for the best versions in everything: best concert places, best hotel room with a sea view, and best shot at the bar.

Many people avoid Rolex lovers at the beginning. They think these are loud squawky and know-it-all jerks imposing their opinions on others. But, in the end, they discover them and are pretty trustworthy persons whose only “guilt” is having well-established principles in life. Rolex lovers have pretty great success at work and are good leaders and motivators. Sometimes, they can be pretty sharp in communication, but in most cases, they feel sorry about that later. Just give them time.

Breitling: Just Do it

I know that this motto sounds very familiar to you; I took it from the famous Nike brand. Matter-of-factly, this motto correlates so well with those who choose Breitling watches. These people are the ones who will roll up their sleeves and will start working. Breitling wearers are madly in love with results, whether it’s about personal goals or project goals at the office. Breitling watches reflect a particular power, suggest expressive masculinity, and exude determination. Just like you do. And these watches are a complement to your focused, organized, and result-oriented spirit.

In most cases, Breitling watches come with a wide range of functionalities. And you, who loves order and discipline, use them all. You love to negotiate, you also admire people who work even if they are tired and at the same time you represent a good example for them. People trust you, and your visions, and consider you a highly valued team member. When you have tasks to do, you don’t think too much, you just get down to business. And the results don’t take long to appear.

You know how to delineate your personal life from the office life. In addition, you dedicate enough time to your personal hobbies. In most cases, sports such as tennis, golf, and chess bring you limitless pleasure and provide you with the necessary energy to continue your professional and personal ambitions.

Patek Philippe: cultivating wisdom and intelligence

When it comes to Patek Philipe, it’s about the ultimate delicacy. When I say “ultimate delicacy”, I actually refer to the superlative degree of refinement. I don’t know if there is anything superior in terms of horological sophistication to Patek Philippe watches. People who choose this watchmaking brand are distinguished by success, wisdom, and enviable intelligence.

These people are the personification of tranquility, in which the sense of tact and cultivation is like home. Watch enthusiasts who wear a Patek Philippe will always be great interlocutors. Whenever you want to talk about art, the best wines, and cognacs, as well as about the best books, feel free to get in touch with them.

Material goods are no longer a priority for them. They have already achieved this goal. Instead, what brings them special pleasure is communicating with people from different fields to expand their wisdom horizons. Lovers of Patek Philippe see the beauty in the simplest things around them.

They contemplate the singing birds, falling leaves, and the waltz of winter snowflakes. The leather gloves, carefully wrapped around the neck scarf, the flawlessly-arranged coat, as well as the Patek Philippe watches are the most important attributes of these people. They are extremely authentic and you have a lot to learn from them. For their part, they consider that their wisdom and knowledge aren’t enough, being eager to learn more and more.

In most cases, a Patek Philippe wearer will be one who has established a successful business, has a fulfilled family, and enjoys life in the most refined way possible.

Richard Mille: incurable visionaries

Richard Mille lovers have one thing in common: they are all die-hard visionaries. This brand creates extremely strong and durable watches. And those who opt for these watches are always ready to jump into activities and adventures related to speed, drive, and spontaneity. Celebrities wearing Richard Mille watches include Ed Sheeran and Neymar. They, just like Richard Mille fans, greatly appreciate the complex technical constructions, as well as the versatility of Richard Mille watches.

If you’re wondering what the difference is between adventurers who wear Omega and adventurers who choose Richard Mille, the latter are more visionary. Omega lovers are a bit more calculated, while Richard Mille fans look at life by zooming out. They are not overwhelmed by obstacles and rush into different challenges without caring much about what will come next. Richard Mille fans have a keen eye for detail, love sports and interactive activities, and hate living within four walls. They rather prefer to get out of the house and explore life than just sit with a beer and watch Netflix.

Hublot: iconic style

Here we are at the end of the post, talking about the Hublot watch lovers and their character traits. Fans of this brand are probably the most refined in the sense of fashion. These people are always up-to-date with fashion trends. They carefully follow everything that happens in the world of trends and always strive to align with them. At the same time, they have a very well-developed sense of quality. it is not characteristic for them to choose cheap things. They like to wear brand accessories, even if they are not the most popular. Hublot lovers love parties and hang-outs with friends. In most cases, they talk about what Elon Musk is doing with his projects, what improvements to expect with the new Apple release, and what is the annual income of GEF Bezos.

They are the first to book a trip to Hawaii, Tenerife, or even Bora Bora in your circle of friends. They are also the ones who will convince everyone around them to go on the journey with them. Hublot lovers have a phenomenal power of persuasion, and extraordinary marketing skills, even if they don’t work in marketing. As personalities, they are usually dynamic, energetic, and inspirational. Every time they appear in a company they bring a new breath to it.

Not resonating with any of these brands?

It is very likely that none of these iconic brands are to your liking. I don’t rule out that you resonate more with other watch brands such as Tag Heuer, Constantin Vacheron, Bell and Ross, Longines, or IWC. This means that you are a person with very diverse tastes. You appreciate everything that is beautiful even if this beauty is found in different watch brands. The fact that you love several watch brands speaks about your broad horizons.

Replica alternatives to these brands

Wearing a watch on our wrists that expresses our personality type to the whole world is a fabulous thing, don’t you think so? But what do we do when we can’t afford an authentic watch? The answer is more than simple: a replica watch is a pretty reasonable alternative. It is enough just to understand what we want to convey to the world through our watch. What would we like the world to know about us?

If we want to convey that we appreciate art, intelligence, and sophistication, a Patek Philippe replica watch could help us easily solve this question. If on the contrary, we want to express our business potential, ambitions, and result-oriented attitude, a Rolex watch is more than suitable for this purpose. All that remains is to understand what you want to tell the world around you. Once you decide on this question, I kindly invite you to our AAAReplica store to find the right watch for you.


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