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What is meant by “Swiss Replica Watches”, and Are they really “Swiss”?

Watch enthusiasts, especially those who are in the replica hobby for some time, know that several types of replica watches exist. Usually, the term “Swiss replica watch” refers to the highest grade of quality. In this industry, most imitations come from China, as it is a well-known fact. Japan also produces fake items and they are rated as pretty decent imitations. When it comes to “Swiss” imitations, consumers usually take a reticent attitude, questioning the origin of such fakes. Do they really come from Switzerland? And what does a Swiss replica watch particularly mean?

Is it worth paying for the so-called Swiss replica watch, if the Japanese versions are even more affordable and provide decent quality?

I’m sure that these questions constantly run through the customers’ heads. And I’m going to offer some answers to them. Every watch enthusiast knows what to expect with Chinese replica watches. I don’t mean to discredit it, but considering that Chinese imitations are pretty cheap, it’s a bit nonsense to expect high quality. Some Chinese replica manufacturers provide poor-quality material watches, others use low-key movements, whereas others experiment with the way h design and watches don’t look similar to genuine watches at all. So, when we opt for a cheap item, we must understand that everything in the replica watch is cheap.

In contrast, the so-called Swiss imitations promise to be identical at 95%, or even 99%, according to some dealers. Let’s see what makes a Swiss replica watch different from a Japanese or Chinese one, and try to figure out if it’s worth the money. After all, dealers ask for pretty spicy prices for Swiss replicas. And none of us would be glad to overpay if there is no big difference.

Price ranges of replica watches

Any kind of watch imitation is far more affordable than a genuine watch. So, people buy fakes because of their reasonable price, mostly. However, there are different price ranges in the replica industry as well. And you will be surprised to know that not every average customer is ready to pay for a Swiss replica, even though these are supposed to be affordable by the concept.

In a few words, here is the approximate price difference for different groups of imitations:

-low Chinese quality: about $150-250 ;

-entry-level Japanese quality: about $250-550;

-high-quality Japanese fakes: about 550-900$;

-Swiss imitations: about $800-1000;

-Swiss clone imitations: about $1000-1400.

These are the approximate price ranges for different types of replicas. Now the question: is it worth having a clone for about $1k, if the Japanese one is up to $900, and promises good functionality and a pretty nice design? If yes, how to spot the difference between them? And how to ensure that the dealer sells us a Swiss imitation, not a Chinese one, for the same money?

What is the “Swiss” in a “Swiss replica watch”?

Actually, it’s hard to prove that Swiss replicas indeed come from Switzerland. How would you imagine that? Somewhere in the Swiss mountains, there is a factory working day and night, manufacturing replica watches… I hope I drew a smile on your face and made you think of it, as it sounds too good to be true. Switzerland has a very strict law system, regulating all industries with high precision. Not in vain, all that comes from this country is, perhaps, of the best quality possible.

If applying this idea to the replica industry, it’s highly unlikely that the “Swiss” imitations come from this particular country. I’m sorry if I ruined all your expectations. The country of origin of Swiss replica watches is … everywhere. Since the replica industry has many locations (almost all the biggest countries/cities have factories producing them), the question of “where are these produced” is simply incorrect.

In fact…

The term “Swiss“ does not refer to the country of origin. It refers to the standard of quality. When a company, no matter the industry, says it has Swiss items, details, components, ingredients, or whatever you want, it doesn’t necessarily refer to the geographical origin. It rather refers to the production technology taken over from a Swiss model. In other words, a certain item is manufactured following identical Swiss techniques.

For example, a pharmacy in Malta sells vitamins in a package featuring the “Swiss” bold label and a tiny asterisk at the upper corner saying “technology”. So, the whole phrase is actually “Swiss technology”. Therefore, the vitamins don’t come from Switzerland, nor are manufactured by Swiss specialists. They are just manufactured according to Swiss standards which possibly provide better absorption or better effect. Do you feel the specific difference I’m trying to unveil?

In the same context…

The same happens with the replica industry. Some manufacturers, even being located in Hong Kong, for example, can produce Swiss replica watches. This means that they make these watches using the best materials, different techniques of assembling, and even different specialists.

These specialists invest plenty of time in inspecting genuine models to create as similar replicas as possible. Like in every company, experts of different grades exist in the replica industry. Specialists with lower qualifications assemble Chinese replicas, whereas those with higher professional skills work in the “department” of Swiss replicas. Of course, this explanation has a drop of dramatization, but I use it to make things as clear as possible for you.

Summing up

So, what can we conclude from the upper piece of information?

  1. Swiss imitations suggest the Swiss quality, not Swiss location;
  2. Swiss replica watches can be produced everywhere;
  3. Experts in watchmaking are those who assemble these imitations according to Swiss genuine models;
  4. Swiss imitations are indeed better than the rest and are worth the money. The most important element in this equation is to find a reliable and trusted dealer who indeed sells high-quality imitations. I’ll talk about this a little later in this article.

What makes the difference?

Now that you know a little more about the so-called “Swiss” imitations, let’s get further and see what exactly sets them apart from the rest of the replica watches.

First of all, you need to know that producing a “Swiss” imitation requires more time. Experts in the field spend months investigating the particularities of genuine models. After that, they spend time creating replicas step by step, imitating the authentic model with strict exactness. There is no room for errors. If the genuine model is 904l stainless steel then the “Swiss” replica is also 904l steel. Chinese and Japanese imitations can use 316l steel, which is not a bad option, but it’s different from the genuine model.

Also, if the date window, for example, is placed at the 3 o’clock index, the “Swiss” imitation will have it in the same place. In contrast, Japanese or Chinese might have it at 4 o’clock (for instance), because the movement construction doesn’t allow it to be placed otherwise.

Another example is the functions and complications. If the “Swiss” imitation has all the complications functional as the authentic models, some Chinese can have them frozen, integrated just for “decoration” and not functional purposes. This is why the price difference between replicas is so obvious. “Swiss” imitations follow (almost) the same construction, colors, functions, weight, and quality standards as the genuine versions.

In contrast, Japanese and especially Chinese leave some room for differences. The differences can be from minor and unobservable to critical. Hence the significant price difference in the replica watch industry, from $100 to $1500.

Is a “Swiss” replica different from a genuine model?

I’m sure you have read many articles about replica watches, trying to find an answer to this question. And most probably, most of all say that there is no difference, and these are identical. I wouldn’t recommend you be so sure about it. And to answer the question: Yes, they are different, despite the many articles convincing about the opposite.

Like it or not, a replica is still a replica and by nature can’t be identical to the genuine. In order for it to be identical, a replica factory would need the same technologies, tools, designers, marketers, technicians, and finances as the real brand has.

The truth is that these are extremely similar. But not identical. Thanks to the advanced technology of the replica industry, manufacturers can reproduce watches at a pretty decent level. To prove that it’s enough to see a couple of Youtube videos in which different bloggers compare genuine with fake watches.

These show all the particularities of a replica in comparison to a genuine one. In most cases, these look and function extremely close to each other. However, small differences can still be spotted. These may refer to the dial color, that under different light angles, can look a bit different, or other minor divergences that are hard to see with an unprofessional eye.

Either way, ”Swiss” imitations do provide reliable quality and precision. And, in my honest opinion, the attractive price (in comparison to the genuine one) can make us forgive insignificant errors.

Possible risks and how to prevent them

Considering that the replica industry has no official regulation and quality control, buying replica watches can be risky at times. By “risky” I refer to the fact that customers can be susceptible to scam dealers. These dealers usually sell Chinese replica watches at prices like “Swiss”. The risk is even higher when customers buy replica watches via online methods. Dealers make good-looking websites, placing beautifully photoshopped watch pictures.

Customers are attracted by them and place an order for a $1K replica watch. Once the customer receives the replica device, he gets overwhelmed by the poor quality he got. In the worst of scenarios, he can’t even ask for a refund because the dealer simply vanishes.

It is possible to prevent such a dramatic scenario. The most important thing in this hobby is to know where to buy from. From the hundreds of online sites selling replica watches, I personally know only three that are truly reliable, and one of them is the AAAReplica. And it took years for me to prove their reliability, after coming across tens of negative experiences. So, my message is to not trust the first replica store you find right away.

Take your time to do your research and check the dealer’s veracity. Especially if you decide to spend some money on a “Swiss” imitation, which is not cheap, you need to be even more vigilant. Here are some recommendations to consider in order to prevent potential risks.

Check this out:

  1. Buy exclusively from trusted stores and dealers. “Trusted” refers to those who are recommended by your friends, workmates, and people on forums and review sites.
  2. Don’t rush into getting a replica watch on sale from a store you don’t know. In many instances, people receive ads on their social media platforms selling replicas with discounts. These usually come from unknown dealers. Don’t be easily fooled by such ads, until you check the veracity of the dealer. Or, see point 1.
  3. Pictures from websites do not always coincide with reality. These pictures must never be your number 1 reason to buy a replica watch. Ask for REAL additional pictures via the customer support department.
  4. Check the security of the website and the payment system. You can find plenty of ways to do that on Google.
  5. Get familiar with the warranty and refund policy. If there is something concerning you, don’t buy the watch.
  6. Don’t be naive when a dealer sells you a cheap “Swiss” replica watch. As exposed above, Swiss means quality, and quality means expensive. A Swiss imitation can’t be cheap. It’s a business and not a charity project. A dealer can’t sell a high-quality item at a cheap price, having no revenue from it.

The final word

I hope I could bring some clarity to those who were puzzled about the Swiss replica industry. Like in any other industry, there are low, medium, high, and premium quality levels in the replica field. If your purpose is to have a decent timepiece, the Japanese will comfort you in both quality and price.

If your goal is to own an almost identical timepiece, Swiss imitations will satisfy your needs, but be ready to pay a little more for them. And even if you are ready, there is one more step to do: to be highly prudent and patient to seek and find the right source and dealer. Good Luck!


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