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Which stainless steel is better for your replica watch?

This is a truly troublesome topic, and I decided to talk frankly about it. Reading millions of watch forums and plenty of horology-related articles, I concluded that many people get the wrong information. Especially those who are new to the replica hobby. Many watch enthusiasts suggest opting for 904l stainless steel watches, exclusively, as these are the best. Others don’t see the difference between 316 and 904l, suggesting that both behave pretty well in the long run. The third category in general doesn’t believe that replica watches can be made of 904l stainless steel, thinking that this term is only used for marketing purposes.

So, it’s high time to bring a little light on the matter and build the right puzzle from all these messed-up pieces of information. And to begin with, let’s see what stainless steel is and which one is better if there is such.

Stainless steel material

In general terms, stainless steel is a chemical hypoallergenic compound, derived from the metal category of substances. Its main benefits consist of durability and resistance to (almost) any type of shock and impact. This material behaves astonishingly great in the long run, proving extreme resistance to rust and corrosion. In addition, it is highly unlikely that this material will tarnish over time. Obviously, I would be wrong pretending that this is an ideal material. It’s not, and it WILL tarnish if you don’t take proper care of it. So, if it does show signs of wear and tear over time, you have to know that most probably, IT’S YOU who didn’t take proper care of it and brought it to such a condition.

The main thing I want you to know is that the above-mentioned description refers to both: 904l and 316l stainless steel. Therefore, unlike many mistaken beliefs, the advantages of this material are equally specific for the 904 and 316 versions.

In this context, customers should not worry about the resistance of a replica watch, when it comes with the description of “316 stainless steel”. On the contrary, they should honor the dealers talking about this openly, because many of them try to fool customers by selling 316 steel as 904l. The problem is that in the replica industry, it is almost impossible to prove the grade of the stainless steel. In many cases, we can only take the dealers’ word for it, as there are no official certificates proving the replica watch’s grade. And, unfortunately, many of such dealers take advantage of this “gap”.

So, when you see a dealer writing about his watches as being “of 316 steel”, that’s a pretty good sign. This means that he is honest. As for the quality, you shouldn’t be worrying.

Differences between the two types of stainless steel

The difference between 316 and 904 steel is that the latter is more resistant to temperatures. But, let’s be honest: it’s unlikely that you will expose your replica watch to extreme temperatures, isn’t it?!

Another difference between the two types is the chemical composition. For example, 316l stainless steel comes with about 16-18% of chromium in it, while 904l-19-23%. Or, 316 steel contains around 10-12% of nickel in it, while the 904l- 23-28%. And so on.

Probably, the difference would be significant when building massive constructions such as vessels and ships, as these require the hardest durability and resistance possible. But, speaking in terms of watches, the difference is insignificant. I’m not trying to discredit the 904l steel in watches here. What I’m trying to make you understand is that 316l stainless steel watches are highly decent options, despite the myths circulating out there.

Why the price difference?

It’s more than obvious that 904l stainless steel watches are more expensive than 316l versions. But, does it influence the overall quality?! The answer is more no than yes. Again, a watch doesn’t need much stainless steel to be manufactured. And considering the low-impact shocks and impacts ((compared to massive constructions such as buildings or ships), both versions register great resistance. What’s the worst impact your replica watch can undergo? Being crossed by a car? Both types of stainless steel watches would probably resist, but both would be impossible to wear because the dial and crystal would be strongly affected.

So, overpaying for the 904l stainless steel watch isn’t always a secure strategy. The high price doesn’t guarantee a longer life span of a watch. In fact, the high price only comes from the poorer availability of the 904l stainless steel, in comparison to the 316l. As a result, some 904l stainless steel replica watches might cost 2-3 times greater than 316. Whether it’s worth overpaying or not, it’s completely up to you. But, one thing is for sure: the quality difference between both of them is minimal.

And still… there is a difference

So, “the minimal” difference that I have just mentioned refers to the shiny finish. Considering the chemical composition of the 904l steel, it has a higher concentration of chromium in it. This higher concentration is the main factor providing 904 steel a shinier look, which with the help of a proper finish, looks a bit more gleaming and lustrous. This would probably be the main difference between 904 and 316 steel if talking about watches exclusively (I’m not referring here to other steel products, as there can be other differences and similarities).

In the same context, sensitive persons must know another important difference: nickel presence. 904l stainless steel has a higher concentration of nickel in its composition. This aspect can make replica watches cause allergic reactions. Technically, 316l stainless steel also has it, but the proportion is significantly less and the potential of causing an allergic impact is reduced.

Which one is better?

Both, believe it or not. It all depends on the angle you look from. If your main priority is durability, both are equal. More than that, analysis shows that the 316 stainless steel ranks at 95 points on the Rockwell hardness scale. On the other side, the 904l steel rates at 70-90 points.

If your priority is shine then the 904l steel would be a better choice. And whenever the priority is an affordable price, the vote goes to the 316 stainless steel watches. Plenty of reputable watchmaking brands make their watches from 316 steel. So, stop thinking that a 316l stainless steel replica is a “so-so” one. More than that, find out that most (if not all) inner components of iconic luxury timepieces are made of 316l steel. Why would brands do that, if the material is supposed to be “so-so”?!


At this very point, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the replica industry, a 904l stainless steel watch is not a warranty of high quality. Remember that many dealers take advantage of the impossibility to prove it, and sell the 316 as the 904l steel. As you already know, 316 steel is also a great option, but the problem is that the dealers ask for cosmic prices (selling them as 904l).

So, first of all, try to find out as much as possible about the dealer. There are only a couple of manufacturers in the replica industry working with 904l stainless steel (remember what I told you about availability?!). So, it’s not excluded that the dealer only tries to fool you. Buy from trusted dealers exclusively.

Second, don’t judge the replica watch’s quality only by its’ stainless steel grade. The material should be only one of the many factors you must consider when buying a fake timepiece. Apart from the material, take a closer look at the movement, dial, bezel, crown, and functionality of all features. I’m almost sure that you don’t want a 904l stainless steel replica watch that has un-functional chronometer sub-dials (it’s just a hypothetical example, but I hope you got the idea).

Being passionate about the replica hobby requires prudence and vigilance. And believe me, sometimes it’s much better to own a 316l stainless steel imitation with great functionality and accurate precision than wear a so-called 904l replica with loosened screws, non-compact crown, and inaccurate design (this is again a dramatization to make you get the point).

Final point

Honestly speaking, I really embrace replica dealers that proudly and honestly tell customers that the imitations they sell are made of 316l stainless steel. More than that: most of them are, even though they are labeled as 904l. It’s pretty difficult to find a 904l steel imitation. So, the point of this article is to make you open your eyes and filter the hundreds of stores that sell “904l steel” imitations with such ease.

Remember that in many instances, it’s just a marketing strategy. I’m not saying that these don’t exist. I’m just trying to make you more prudent and not as credulous as you were before. Talk to the dealer and ask him as many questions as possible about the authenticity of the 904l stainless steel. Your gut feeling will let you know if it is worth trusting your dealer or not. In case you struggle with finding a trusted source, take into account the AAAReplica store. Here, the imitations come in a reliable quality of both 316l and 904l stainless steel, and not only.

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