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Why Are Louis Vuitton Bags So Appreciated?

The aspect of a bag can say so many things about you: your style, taste, and nature. Every single designer has a refined taste to create indeed astonishing accessories. But, many of you will agree that the Louis Vuitton bags are somehow specific and different. It’s not a secret that Louis Volition replica bags remain at the top of customers’ preferences. The question is WHY do ladies prefer them over so many other brands? What do they have in particular? The secret is hidden in their specific prints and patterns. Those are the key elements making Louis Vuitton bags so versatile and adaptable to so many different styles.

We decided to dig deeper and gather the most iconic patterns and prints of Louis Vuitton bags. At the end of the article, you will become a little bit more familiar with the specific motifs of the brand and will understand better why replica manufacturers don’t stop reproducing these iconic models. Looking from the historical point of view, Louis Vuitton has changed styles and concepts in many iterations. However, the brand never lost the ability to match ladies’ demands and remains as fabulous as it can only be.

Monogram Canvas Material

You might not be familiar with the brand name (though, I doubt it a lot), but you surely know the specific monogram canvas material. This material is both good-looking and practical, due to its water-resistant texture and robustness. After wearing such types of bags, ladies discover after a certain period of time how easy the material is to take care of.

It hardly wears off and hardly loses its robustness. As a result, such types of bags are time-resistant and not “capricious” at all (in terms of form-losing and color fading). However, there is an issue specific to the Monogram Canvas Material: due to its rigid texture, it is not excluded to observe “cracks” over time. However, this is more a result of inappropriate care, rather than inappropriate quality. To avoid such impact, it is highly recommended to use a conditioner or leather moisturizer once in a while.

Louis Vuitton Epi Leather

Unlike the Monogram canvas, the Epic Leather does not need specific maintenance. This is a durable material by itself and usually serves long and nonchalantly. As a matter of fact, the brand uses calfskin for this material which provides a very pleasant and soft feeling when touching it. This pattern seems to be a guilty pleasure among ladies due to its easy wear.

Time does not impact the aesthetic aspect of this material, except for minor wear and tear signs in the places with frequent interaction. Customers opting for such a type of bag should know that the leather has the tendency to contract when exposed to water. In such a context, it is recommendable to accurately dry it after rain or similar circumstances. The same contracting effect might appear after exposing the material to direct sunlight. So, to prolong the bag’s “lifespan” would be great to keep it away from direct rays.

Vernis Leather

Bags from this series look expressive and attractive through their glossy and shiny finish. Perhaps this series is the most colorful one since Vernis leather is a great hue-absorbing material. As a result, the brand uses it to produce a wide array of colors, and consequently, brightly colored bags. For this line of bags, direct sunlight is the worst enemy. Sun rays affect the color layer and you might notice font changes. The most annoying thing is that the changes don’t cover the entire bag surface, but only partially. As a result, the whole bag loses color uniformity. Such a capricious material needs special care, without any doubt. Therefore, buying a replica bag with such a pattern is mostly recommended for accurate and detail-oriented ladies, with all due respect. It’s not enough to keep the material away from sun rays. It is also highly recommended to keep it apart from other colored items as well.

Damier Ebene Canvas

This pattern is usually confusing for most shopaholics because of its close association with the aforementioned Monogram canvas pattern. To make things easier, Damier Ebene canvas refers to the brown print reminiscent of a checkerboard and is a bit more classy in comparison to the other counterpart. As a matter of fact, both canvas versions are manufactured with Egyptian cotton. Similar to its homolog, Damier Ebene is also water resistant due to the vinyl coating.

In terms of durability, the Damier Ebene has a priority. The leather is differently processed than the traditional monogram. In addition, the brand uses specific gloss and sealants to make it more durable and less prone to defects.

Apart from the brand’s own patterns and prints, Louis Vuitton takes pride in collaborating successfully with a wide range of artists and painters. These collaborations led to the invention of new and fresh motifs in the brand’s portfolio. Not to mention that following these partnerships, the brand has gained the appreciation of some new audiences that were somehow neutral to it before the artistic fusion. So, here is one of the “consequences” coming from great collaborations.

Louis Vuitton and Jeff Koons

Koons is a famous artist with an expressive way of painting handbags and accessories. For its collaboration with Louis Vuitton, he opted for the Rubens masterpieces. The collaboration did not remain without critics, of course. While the major part of LV fans was contemplating the beauty and the eccentric tone of the collection, the other part remained somehow reticent. Either way, the collection certainly aroused emotions and reactions of all kinds. But after all, isn’t this the purpose of artistic collaboration?

Bottom line

Whenever you decide to own a replica Louis Vuitton, be sure that your decision is the right one. But, the most important aspect we want to draw your attention to is to have a pretty discriminating eye during your selection. If you look for a long-lasting bag, opt for a qualitative replica that strictly follows the original design and the flawless standard. Don’t fall into the trap of the cheapest versions. A high-end quality replica, be it a bag, watch, or perfume, is synonymous with your status and fine taste. In such a context, let us introduce our collection of replica bags that will serve long in terms of quality and will look just great in terms of resemblance to the original versions. We hope to be at the highest level of your expectations.

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