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How to spot the difference between a cheap and an expensive perfume?

Sometimes, it seems that you found a great perfume enchanting you. You want to buy it and you start looking on the internet for its original and, maybe, replica versions. Further on you discover that some online stores offer it at an attractively cheap price, while other sources surprise you with their expensive prices. Of course, for many of us, the lower price seems pretty tempting. But, on the other hand, the low-budget offer wakes up some dubious questions inside you. And that’s great: it means that you realize that there must be some pitfalls that you want to find out about. And here is where we are going to discuss them, spotting the difference between cheap and expensive perfumes. In addition, we will unveil the relevance of buying an expensive fragrance and if it is really worth it.

Lots of questions

Everybody loves smelling good. All of us adore that feeling when our perfume leaves a powerful sillage behind us, making our personalities memorable and remarkable. So, how to make the right choice? How to find that perfect three-level scent? And how to make sure that all people surrounding us will feel those specific notes that the perfume unveils?

As far as you can see, finding just the enchanting fragrance is not enough. You have to consider the scent layers, price, the source you are buying from, and many others. I’ll help you with this task since I’m sure that you can find the right fragrance at a moderate price.

What do I refer to, when saying “cheap perfume”?

As a matter of fact, the “cheap” definition does not necessarily reflect the price. The price also should be considered, without any doubt. But, not as the main factor. A cheap perfume, in my vision, is a perfume that lasts shortly, does not reveal any hidden notes, and doesn’t form the specific aromatic pyramid. After you apply it on you, it begins sharing some notes of alcohol, rather than middle notes, within a couple of hours. Unfortunately, many dealers offer such kinds of perfumes at a relatively high price, claiming that it is qualitative and long-lasting. This is why you have to know the difference: to avoid such a trap.

What do I refer to, when saying “expensive perfume”?

In contrast to the cheap ones, expensive perfumes are more related to quality, rather than price. As a general rule, these have a higher concentration of essential oil in their composition, hence, last much longer. In addition, the fragrance is, in fact, an amalgam of scents that open up in layers. They delicately transit from one to another, expressing a wide range of accords from strong and bold to the most delicate and subtle. Of course, you should not expect that a qualitative perfume would be cheap, so you would better prepare to spend some money on such a fragrance. In such a context, what indeed matters is knowing for sure that the high price you intend to pay is for truly high quality.

Scent pyramid

A high-quality perfume will never come with a single aromatic layer. As a general rule, these release 3 stratified aromatic segments beginning with the top notes, transiting to the heart notes, and ending with the base notes. Take a good wine as an example: it initially expresses some bold aromatic accents after which it unveils either floral or herbal notes. The point is that with the passage of time (of hours, in our case), the scent has an alternating character, from some aromatic accords to others.

If you ask yourself which layer is the most prominent, the top one is the most remarkable. And here is the first trap of cheap perfumes: they are limited to the top layer, “skipping” the following ones. So, when you test a cheap and an expensive fragrance, most probably, you will notice the same aroma. Here is where the majority of customers mistakenly believe that there is no difference between them, opting for the cheaper version.

What’s next?

You should never stop at this point. Here is what you have to do next in order to detect the cheap version in contrast to the expensive one:

Give yourself time

If your first impression of the top notes is positive enough, wait for the next layer. It might take some time (from 20 to 30 minutes) for the top notes to start evaporating. So, heart notes should not delay in appearing. But, they will appear only on the qualitative perfume. The cheap one will continue preserving the top notes. Further on, the expensive perfume will gradually transit to its base accords. This can take up to a couple of hours. The waiting process might be a little exhausting, but remember that you are looking for a qualitative version. So, make an effort.

While the expensive version already begins revealing its basic notes which are almost always different from the top ones, the cheap alternative continues conserving its initial notes. In addition, the scent is already not as powerful as initially and slight alcohol nuances start to show off. The alcohol nuances are not easily detected, though. The point is that the cheap version will start losing its aromatic charisma, while the expensive alternative will only enhance its scented spectrum.

Feel the aromatic array

A cheap perfume will usually come in 1-2 aromatic accords. It might be some floral notes combined with spicy ones. In contrast, expensive fragrances have a complex composition including bold accents as woody or earthy, blended with balancing notes of citrus, floral, and dried leaves. The array varies significantly from one perfume to another; it all depends on what you prefer. But, the central thought is that every aromatic level of a high-quality perfume mixes a large series of components.

Alternatively, you might start by inspecting the fragrance composition found on the fragrance bottle or box. Both cheap and expensive perfumes will display a long list of ingredients. So, all you have to do is to test the perfume and try to identify the aromatic accents mentioned in the composition. Most probably, you won’t feel half of them in the cheap version, no matter how hard you try.

Discover the scent type

Given the scenario that you compare the same perfume in two versions (a cheap and an expensive version), it’s highly likely that they will smell differently. They will preserve the same aromatic line, but the top notes will feel disparate. To make things clearer, the cheap version will unveil slightly sweeter flavors in the top layer. In contrast, the expensive alternative will highlight more complex and bold notes. Even though both of them contain the same ingredients, the expensive one has some additional additives that enhance the aromatic accords, making them more expressive.

Therefore, your journey for a good perfume should resemble a genuine aromatic ritual, so give yourself time to feel and contemplate every single aromatic accent.

Test the durability

You probably know that a high-quality perfume should last long and even the next day you might feel the traits of the basic layer. So, no need to mention that you have to arm yourself with patience and explore the durability of both scents. The one lasting longer indicates higher quality.

Some people opting for cheaper versions simply re-apply the perfume several times a day to prolong its aromatic strength. It might be viewed as an option, of course. Though, remember that in such a case the perfume will waste much earlier and you will have to buy another bottle shortly after. In addition, keep in mind that you want your perfume to express a rich spectrum of layers. So, reapplying a cheap perfume is a solution for the top layer renewal, but in no case for the deeper notes of the aromatic pyramid.

Read the ingredients

I’ve already mentioned that reading the components might be helpful. Here is another argument why: perfumes that contain plenty of sweet ingredients are usually cheaper and of a low quality respectively. Simply because sweet ingredients are usually cheap, as raw material for the fragrance. In contrast, perfumes containing woody, earthy, and dried components are more expensive, hence the higher quality. These components are hard to obtain; they require specific techniques of manufacturing. For instance, perfumes dominated by woody accords contain sandalwood, Bulgarian rose, vetiver, or cedar wood. These are far more difficult to obtain and process than caramel, orange, or honey.

Is it really possible to notice the difference?

This is a stressful question bothering all seasoned enthusiasts looking for a signature perfume. Is it really possible to detect whether a perfume is cheap or expensive? After all, they almost smell the same. It’s up to you to decide. It all depends on what your goal is. In case the durability and the scent pyramid are not your main priorities, you can do it well with a cheap version just for a pleasant short-term experience. If, on the other hand, you want to leave a remarkable aromatic footprint expressing an intricate harmony between heavy and delicate accords, go for the expensive option.

And yes, it is possible to notice the difference. A cheap perfume will express one, maximum of two aromatic notes. And they will be perceived as common, with no special appeal. In contrast, an expensive fragrance will unleash hidden exclusive notes, able to combine with your skin in a unique way, to tell your distinctive story.

How to get high-quality within a moderate budget?

High-priced perfumes do not always provide a high-quality effect. And vice versa, low-priced fragrances don’t always demonstrate a low-quality effect. It is always possible to find the golden mean. Even in the online space. Here at the AAAReplica store, you can discover a gorgeous collection of replica scents associated with the most iconic perfume houses in the world. Here is where the quality and the attractive price come to hand in hand. We take into consideration all the above-mentioned aspects and integrate them into our fragrances. Further on, we can ship them to you, so you can enjoy a signature long-lasting scent at an affordable price. Leave us a note and we’ll help you choose a fragrance according to your inner nature and character traits.

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