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The ultimate guide to matching your replica belt with your outfit

From the entire portfolio of accessories, the belts are probably the most underestimated. If speaking about a replica watch, it requires time to understand what complications we need. If it is about a bracelet, we can spend hours choosing between a casual and a classic style. And when it comes to belts, things seem pretty easy: black shoes- black belt, brown shoes-brown belts. And it seems enough. In fact, this is only a slam part of the whole story. Indeed, we have to consider the color of other accessories from our outfit when matching the belt. But, the point is that there are far more elements to take into account in order to bring your outfit combination to a superior level of style.

The rule “brown shoes-brown belt” might sound good until the following question arises: What if there are no brown shoes in the picture? What if you want to go out wearing your white sneakers? And what about the casual outfit? Is it really necessary to pair the shoes with your belt for the casual style?

I bet you got a little stuck with these questions. But, you don’t have to worry about it since this article is going to clear up things.

How do you match your accessories?

The wisest thing you can do is to follow some basic rules that should never be forgotten. I’ll begin with what you already know: a black belt goes for black shoes. The same rule applies to brown shoes, respectively. At this point, you should consider that we are talking about the formal style. “Formal” refers to a tie and a classic suit. The best way to go is to preserve the material resonance. For instance, if your black shoes are from black leather, the belt should also be predominantly from leather material. In the context of the brown color, you might come across different shades. In such a case, you should find the closest brown nuance of your belt to the brown of your shoes. So, a 1-2 shades difference is generally accepted. If the difference is higher than that, you risk looking weird and demonstrating no style at all.

In the perfect scenario, men should have at least one belt of any type, brown, grey, black, or canvas. So, don’t cheap out when it comes to adding a new belt to your closet because the price of mismatching belts with outfits is far more expensive. It can cost you your status and others’ impression of you if they observe how inaccurate you are in terms of taste.

What about casual outfits?

With the formal style, things are clean and easy. The situation becomes a little bit more difficult when wearing neither black nor brown shoes. Perhaps, it won’t be enough just telling you to match your outfit with your belt, when opting for a casual dress. The question is How Exactly?

In such a context, you have to try to figure out which is the dominant color of your whole outfit. If the color predominance goes for the white or black tones, you won’t be wrong opting for a black belt. Conversely, if your outfit expresses vibrant tones like purple or navy, a brown belt is the way to go.

Additionally, you have to know that brown belts sort perfectly with autumn nuances. In this context, whenever you opt for mustard yellow, cognac, or reddish-brown outfits, there is no need to think twice. Through the brown belt, you simply complement your overall look. The casual style is, hence, not as strict and demanding as the formal style.

Belts for different colors

Blue shoes

In case you have a phenomenal pair of blue shoes and you don’t know how to solve the belt puzzle, here are some things to consider. First of all, you have to read once again the Casual Outfit’s previous paragraph. So, based on its idea, you have to evaluate the whole outfit. In case you plan to combine blue shoes with a black and white outfit, then the black belt is the right option. In this case, the brown belt will distort the harmony of the black and white outfit. Contrastly, the black belt will only complement it.

From the other perspective, if you plan to couple your blue shoes with a more vibrant outfit, be it a navy polo and grey pants, the brown belt is the perfect accessory to fulfill the picture with style.

White shoes

As a matter of fact, both black and brown belts could do. At this point, I would mostly rely on personal preferences. If your spirit is more prone to classics, go for the black version. If your inner nature is slightly adventurous, the brown option is welcome. In terms of style, however, it will be no mistake to wear one or the other.

Black pants

As a general rule, black pants pair well with a black belt, unless the shoes aren’t brown. In certain circumstances, the back pants look good with a colorful belt, but only if it aesthetically matches the style of the shirt. You should take care at this point since colorful belts must have another accessory from your outfit to combine with (colored belt+ colored bag, for instance).

Grey shoes

Grey is a nuance of the black color. They are from the same chromatic family. It would be wrong to couple grey shoes with a brown belt. Only under exceptional conditions, the brown color is acceptable with grey shoes: when there are plenty of chromatic brown spots on the overall outfit.

Blue pants

The blue looks great when paired with brown. However, you should not take this information as absolute truth. You always have to rely on the Casual Outfit paragraph explained above. This means that you have to consider the overall outfit. If you wear blue pants in combination with a white shirt and black shoes, then a brown belt will only mess things up. In such a case, a black belt is more suitable.

The bottom line

So, this article has two main conclusions. The first one is that the formal style is strict and requires matching the belt to the color of the shoes. The second one is that the casual style is flexible and requires consideration of the whole outfit. Don’t forget to inspect carefully the quality of your replica belts, before buying them. Pay attention to the material and the seams. AAAReplica is a trustworthy source of qualitative replica belts offering you a wide range of colors and models. Take a look! It is not excluded that the perfect replica belt is just right here.

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